
#31 2010-09-10 00:51:27


Re: J'offre mon aide pour la traduction en roumain

ddtddt a écrit:

ddtddt a écrit:

Merci :-)

Liste des suivant ;-)

$lang['Delete Representant'] = 'Ștergeți reprezentantul';
$lang['Delete selected tags'] = 'Ștergeți etichetele selectate';
$lang['Delete selected users'] = 'Ștergeți utilizatorii selectați';
$lang['Deletions'] = 'Ștergeri';
$lang['Deny selected groups'] = 'Restricționați accesul la grupurile selecționate';
$lang['Deny selected users'] = 'Restricționați accesul la utilizatorii selecționați';
$lang['Description'] = 'Descriere';
$lang['Display options'] = 'Opțiuni de afişare';
$lang['Dissociated'] = 'Disociat de';
$lang['Does not represent'] = 'Nu reprezintă';
$lang['Edit all picture informations'] = 'Modifică toate informațiile legate de această imagine';
$lang['Edit selected tags'] = 'Modifică etichetele selecționate';
$lang['Edit tags'] = 'Modifică etichetele';
$lang['Elements'] = 'Elemente';
$lang['Email admins when a new user registers'] = 'Anunță administratorii atunci cînd un nou utilizator se înregistrează';
$lang['Email admins when a valid comment is entered'] = 'Anunță administratorii atunci cînd un comentariu valabil este înscris';
$lang['Email admins when a comment requires validation'] = ''Anunță administratorii atunci cînd un comentariu necesită validare';
$lang['Email admins when a picture is uploaded'] = 'Anunță administratorii atunci cînd o imagine e încărcata pe server';
$lang['Empty caddie'] = 'Golește căruciorul';
$lang['Environment'] = 'Mediul';
$lang['Form'] = 'Formular';
$lang['Gallery URL'] = 'URL-ul galeriei';
$lang['Gallery title'] = 'Titlul galeriei';
$lang['Grant selected groups'] = 'Asigură accesul la grupurile selectate';
$lang['Grant selected users'] = 'Asigură accesul la utilizatorii selectați';
$lang['Group name'] = 'Numele grupului';
$lang['Groups'] = 'Grupuri';
$lang['Guests'] = 'Invitați';
$lang['History'] = 'Istoric';
$lang['Informations'] = 'Informații';
$lang['Install'] = 'Instalează';
$lang['Link all category elements to a new category'] = 'Corelează toate elementele categoriei la o nouă categorie';
$lang['Link all category elements to some existing categories'] = 'Corelează toate elementele categoriei la unele categorii existente';
$lang['Linked categories'] = 'Categorii corelate';
$lang['Lock gallery'] = 'Blochează galeria';
$lang['Maintenance'] = 'Întreţinere';
$lang['Manage permissions for a category'] = 'Gestionează permisiunile pentru o categorie';
$lang['Manage permissions for group "%s"'] = 'Gestionează permisiunile pentru grupul "%s"';
$lang['Manage permissions for user "%s"'] = 'Gestionează permisiunile pentru utilizatorul "%s"';
$lang['Manage tags'] = 'Gestionează etichetele';
$lang['Members'] = 'Membrii';
$lang['Metadata synchronized from file'] = 'Metadata sincronizate din fișier';
$lang['Move categories'] = 'Deplasează categoriile';
$lang['Move'] = 'Deplasează';
$lang['Name'] = 'Nume';
$lang['New name'] = 'Nume nou';
$lang['New parent category'] = 'Categorie mamă nouă';
$lang['New tag'] = 'Etichetă nouă';
$lang['Number of comments per page'] = 'Număr de comentarii pe pagină';
$lang['Number of rates'] = 'Numărul evaluărilor';
$lang['Number of thumbnails to create'] = 'Numărul miniaturilor de creat';
$lang['Only private categories are listed'] = 'Doar categoriile private sunt enumerate';
$lang['Operating system'] = 'Sistemul de operare';
$lang['Options'] = 'Opțiuni';
$lang['Other private categories'] = 'Alte categorii private';
$lang['Page banner'] = 'Panglica paginii';
$lang['Parent category'] = 'Categorie mamă';
$lang['Path'] = 'Cale';
$lang['Permalink'] = 'Permalink';
$lang['Permalink %s has been previously used by category %s. Delete from the permalink history first'] = 'Permalink-ul %s a fost folosit în prealabil de categoria %s. Ștergeți permalink-ul din istoric mai întîi';
$lang['The permalink name must be composed of a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "-", "_" or "/". It must not be numeric or start with number followed by "-"'] = 'Permalink-ul trebuie să conțină doar caractere alfanumerice de la a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "-", "_" sau "/". Nu trebuie să fie doar numeric sau să înceapă cu un număr urmat de "-"';
$lang['Permalink %s is already used by category %s'] = 'Permalink-ul %s este deja folosit de categoria %s';
$lang['Permalink history'] = 'Istoricul permalink-ului';
$lang['Permalinks'] = 'Permalink-uri';
$lang['Permission denied'] = 'Acces interzis';
$lang['Permission granted thanks to a group'] = 'Accesul autorizat datorită apartenenței la un grup';
$lang['Permission granted'] = 'Acces autorizat';
$lang['Picture informations updated'] = 'Datele pozei puse la zi';
$lang['Plugins'] = 'Plugin-uri';
$lang['Position'] = 'Poziție';
$lang['Preferences'] = 'Preferințe';
$lang['Properties'] = 'Proprietăți';
$lang['Random picture'] = 'Fotografie la nimereală';
$lang['Rate date'] = 'Data evaluării';
$lang['Rating by guests'] = 'Evaluat de invitați';
$lang['Rating'] = 'Apreciere';
$lang['Reject All'] = 'Respinge tot';
$lang['Reject'] = 'Respinge';
$lang['Representant'] = 'Reprezentant';
$lang['Representation of categories'] = 'Reprezentarea categoriilor';
$lang['Representative'] = 'Reprezentativă';
$lang['Represents'] = 'Reprezintă';
$lang['Save order'] = 'Salvează ordinea';

Si tu as un peux de temps ;-)

Voilà, les vacances ont été longues...:-))

A bientôt,


Dernière modification par strotti (2010-09-10 00:53:54)

Hors ligne

#32 2010-09-11 21:06:57

Équipe Piwigo
Quetigny (21) - France

Re: J'offre mon aide pour la traduction en roumain

Merci :-)

Voici la liste suivante ;-)

$lang['Save to permalink history'] = 'Save to permalinks history';
$lang['Select at least one category'] = 'Select at least one category';
$lang['Select at least one picture'] = 'Select at least one picture';
$lang['Select at least one user'] = 'Select at least one user';
$lang['Show info'] = 'Show info';
$lang['Site manager'] = 'Site manager';
$lang['Status'] = 'Status';
$lang['Statistics'] = 'Statistics';
$lang['Storage category'] = 'Storage category';
$lang['Sum of rates'] = 'Sum of rates';
$lang['Tag "%s" already exists'] = 'Tag "%s" already exists';
$lang['Tag "%s" was added'] = 'Tag "%s" has been added';
$lang['Tag selection'] = 'Tags selection';
$lang['Take selected elements out of caddie'] = 'Take selected elements out of the caddie';
$lang['The %d following tags were deleted'] = 'The following %d tags have been deleted';
$lang['Unable to check for upgrade.'] = 'Unable to check for upgrade.';
$lang['Uninstall'] = 'Uninstall';
$lang['Use the default image sort order (defined in the configuration file)'] = 'Use default image sort order (defined in the configuration file)';
$lang['User comments validation'] = 'User comments validation';
$lang['Users'] = 'Users';
$lang['Validate All'] = 'Validate All';
$lang['Validate'] = 'Validate';
$lang['Validation'] = 'Validation';
$lang['Version'] = 'Version';
$lang['Virtual categories movement'] = 'Virtual categories movement';
$lang['Virtual categories to move'] = 'Virtual categories to move';
$lang['Virtual category name'] = 'Virtual category name';
$lang['Webmaster cannot be deleted'] = 'Webmaster cannot be deleted';
$lang['You are running on development sources, no check possible.'] = 'You are running on development sources, no check possible.';
$lang['You cannot delete your account'] = 'You cannot delete your account';
$lang['You cannot move a category in its own sub category'] = 'You cannot move a category into its own sub category';
$lang['You need to confirm deletion'] = 'You must confirm deletion';
$lang['add tags'] = 'add tags';
$lang['Adviser'] = 'Adviser';
$lang['associate to category'] = 'associate to category';
$lang['associate to group'] = 'associate to group';
$lang['Authorized'] = 'Authorized';
$lang['Add a virtual category'] = 'Add a virtual category';
$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected categories'] = 'Authorize users to add comments on selected categories';
$lang['The name of a category should not be empty'] = 'The name of a category cannot not be empty';
$lang['Lock categories'] = 'Lock categories';
$lang['Private category'] = 'Private category';
$lang['Public category'] = 'Public category';
$lang['Find a new representant by random'] = 'Find a new random representant';
$lang['Public / Private'] = 'Public / Private';
$lang['Manage authorizations for selected categories'] = 'Manage authorizations for selected categories';
$lang['Select uploadable categories'] = 'Select uploadable categories';
$lang['Virtual category added'] = 'Virtual category added';
$lang['Virtual category deleted'] = 'Virtual category deleted';
$lang['Category'] = 'Category';
$lang['Access type'] = 'Access type';
$lang['Comments'] = 'Comments';

Vous aimez Piwigo alors n'hésitez pas à participer avec nous, plus d'infos sur la page "Contribuer à Piwigo". Si vous n'avez pas beaucoup de temps et que vous souhaitez nous soutenir vous pouvez aussi le faire par un don.

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#33 2010-10-08 02:19:13


Re: J'offre mon aide pour la traduction en roumain

ddtddt a écrit:

Merci :-)

Voici la liste suivante ;-)

$lang['Save to permalink history'] = 'Salvare în istorie la permalinks';
$lang['Select at least one category'] = 'Selectați cel puțin o categorie';
$lang['Select at least one picture'] = 'Selectați cel puțin o fotografie';
$lang['Select at least one user'] = 'Selectați cel puțin un utilizator';
$lang['Show info'] = 'Afișare info';
$lang['Site manager'] = 'Managerul site-ului';
$lang['Status'] = 'Statut';
$lang['Statistics'] = 'Statistici';
$lang['Storage category'] = 'Categoria depozitului';
$lang['Sum of rates'] = 'Suma evaluarilor';
$lang['Tag "%s" already exists'] = 'Eticheta "%s" există deja';
$lang['Tag "%s" was added'] = 'Eticheta "%s" a fost adăugată';
$lang['Tag selection'] = 'Selecționarea etichetei';
$lang['Take selected elements out of caddie'] = 'Scoate elementelor selectate din cărucior';
$lang['The %d following tags were deleted'] = 'Următoarele %d etichete au fost șterse';
$lang['Unable to check for upgrade.'] = 'Imposibil de verificat pentru upgrade.';
$lang['Uninstall'] = 'Dezinstalează';
$lang['Use the default image sort order (defined in the configuration file)'] = 'Utilizează ordinea de sortare ale imaginilor implicită  (definite în fișierul de configurare)';
$lang['User comments validation'] = 'Validarea comentariilor utilizatorilor';
$lang['Users'] = 'Utilizatori';
$lang['Validate All'] = 'Validează tot';
$lang['Validate'] = 'Validează';
$lang['Validation'] = 'Validare';
$lang['Version'] = 'Versiune';
$lang['Virtual categories movement'] = 'Mișcarea categoriilor virtuale';
$lang['Virtual categories to move'] = 'Categorii virtuale de mutat';
$lang['Virtual category name'] = 'Numele categoriilor virtuale';
$lang['Webmaster cannot be deleted'] = 'Utilizatorul Webmaster nu poate fi șters';
$lang['You are running on development sources, no check possible.'] = 'Folosiți sursele de dezvoltare, nu e posibil de verificat.';
$lang['You cannot delete your account'] = 'Nu puteți șterge contul dumneavoastră';
$lang['You cannot move a category in its own sub category'] = 'Nu puteți muta o categorie in propria sa subcategorie';
$lang['You need to confirm deletion'] = 'Trebuie să confirmați ștergerea';
$lang['add tags'] = 'adaugă etichete';
$lang['Adviser'] = 'Consilier';
$lang['associate to category'] = 'asociază categoriei';
$lang['associate to group'] = 'asociază grupului';
$lang['Authorized'] = 'Autorizat';
$lang['Add a virtual category'] = 'Adaugă o categorie virtuală';
$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected categories'] = 'Autorizați utilizatorii să adauge comentarii pe categoriile selectate';
$lang['The name of a category should not be empty'] = 'Numele unei categorii nu poate fi gol';
$lang['Lock categories'] = 'Blochează categoriile';
$lang['Private category'] = 'Categorie privată';
$lang['Public category'] = 'Categorie publică';
$lang['Find a new representant by random'] = 'Găsiți un reprezentant aleatoriu nou';
$lang['Public / Private'] = 'Public / Privat';
$lang['Manage authorizations for selected categories'] = 'Administrează autorizațiile pentru categoriile selectate';
$lang['Select uploadable categories'] = 'Selectează categoriile transferabile';
$lang['Virtual category added'] = 'Categorie virtuală adăugată';
$lang['Virtual category deleted'] = 'Categorie virtuală ștearsă';
$lang['Category'] = 'Categorie';
$lang['Access type'] = 'Metodă de acces';
$lang['Comments'] = 'Comentarii';

Voilà voilà...

J'attends la prochaine tranche :-))

Dernière modification par strotti (2010-10-08 02:20:10)

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#34 2010-10-08 07:46:04

Équipe Piwigo
Quetigny (21) - France

Re: J'offre mon aide pour la traduction en roumain

Merci :-)

une nouvelle liste

$lang['Information data registered in database'] = 'Information data registered in database';
$lang['Default display'] = 'Default display';
$lang['The gallery URL is not valid.'] = 'The gallery URL is not valid.';
$lang['Main'] = 'Main';
$lang['The number of comments a page must be between 5 and 50 included.'] = 'The number of comments on a page must be between 5 and 50 included.';
$lang['Configuration'] = 'Configuration';
$lang['confirm'] = 'confirm';
$lang['Date'] = 'Date';
$lang['delete category'] = 'delete category';
$lang['dissociate from category'] = 'dissociate from category';
$lang['dissociate from group'] = 'dissociate from group';
$lang['edit category permissions'] = 'edit category permissions';
$lang['Category informations updated successfully.'] = 'Category informations updated successfully.';
$lang['Authorize upload'] = 'Authorize upload';
$lang['elements per page'] = 'elements per page';
$lang['elements'] = 'elements';
$lang['High definition enabled'] = 'High definition enabled';
$lang['File'] = 'File';
$lang['Filesize'] = 'Filesize';
$lang['first element added on %s'] = 'first element added on %s';
$lang['Forbidden'] = 'Forbidden';
$lang['global mode'] = 'global mode';
$lang['group "%s" added'] = 'group "%s" added';
$lang['group "%s" deleted'] = 'group "%s" deleted';
$lang['group "%s" updated'] = 'group "%s" updated';
$lang['group'] = 'group';
$lang['The name of a group must not contain " or \' or be empty.'] = 'The name of a group must not contain " or \' or be empty.';
$lang['This name is already used by another group.'] = 'This name is already used by another group.';
$lang['High definition'] = 'High definition';
$lang['jump to category'] = 'jump to category';
$lang['jump to image'] = 'jump to image';
$lang['leave'] = 'leave';
$lang['Lock'] = 'Lock';
$lang['Locked'] = 'Locked';
$lang['manage category elements'] = 'Manage category elements';
$lang['manage sub-categories'] = 'Manage sub-categories';
$lang['Manage'] = 'Manage';
$lang['maximum height'] = 'Maximum height';
$lang['maximum width'] = 'Maximum width';
$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].'] = 'Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].';
$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].'] = 'Execution time exceeded, the treatment must continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].';
$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.'] = 'The time to prepare the list of users who will be sent mail is limited. Others users are not listed.';
$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.'] = 'The time to send mail is limited. Others mails have been skipped.';
$lang['To send ?'] = 'To send?';
$lang['Last send'] = 'Last sent';
$lang['email'] = 'Email';
$lang['User'] = 'User';
$lang['Complementary mail content'] = 'Complementary mail content';
$lang['See you soon,'] = 'See you soon,';
$lang['Go to'] = 'Go to';
$lang['Hello'] = 'Hello';

Vous aimez Piwigo alors n'hésitez pas à participer avec nous, plus d'infos sur la page "Contribuer à Piwigo". Si vous n'avez pas beaucoup de temps et que vous souhaitez nous soutenir vous pouvez aussi le faire par un don.

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#35 2011-04-10 23:09:39

Équipe Piwigo
Quetigny (21) - France

Re: J'offre mon aide pour la traduction en roumain

Nouvelle liste qui remplace l'ancienne du au évolution de la version 2.2

$lang['%d album including'] = '%d album including';
$lang['%d album moved'] = '%d album moved';
$lang['%d albums including'] = '%d albums including';
$lang['%d albums moved'] = '%d albums moved';
$lang['%d anomalies have been detected corrected.'] = '%d anomalies have been detected and corrected.';
$lang['%d anomalies have been detected.'] = '%d anomalies have been detected.';
$lang['%d anomalies have been ignored.'] = '%d anomalies have been ignored.';
$lang['%d anomalies have not been corrected.'] = '%d anomalies have not been corrected.';
$lang['%d anomaly has been corrected.'] = '%d anomaly has been corrected.';
$lang['%d anomaly has been detected.'] = '%d anomaly has been detected.';
$lang['%d anomaly has been ignored.'] = '%d anomaly has been ignored.';
$lang['%d anomaly has not been corrected.'] = '%d anomaly has not been corrected.';
$lang['%d guest'] = '%d guest';
$lang['%d guests'] = '%d guests';
$lang['%d line filtered'] = '%d line filtered';
$lang['%d lines filtered'] = '%d lines filtered';
$lang['%d mail was not sent.'] = '%d mail has not been sent.';
$lang['%d mail was sent.'] = '%d mail has been sent.';
$lang['%d mails were not sent.'] = '%d mails have not been sent.';
$lang['%d mails were sent.'] = '%d mails have been sent.';
$lang['%d of %d photos selected'] = '%d of %d photos selected';
$lang['%d parameter was updated.'] = '%d parameter updated.';
$lang['%d parameters were updated.'] = '%d parameters updated.';
$lang['%d photo was deleted'] = '%d photo deleted';
$lang['%d photos uploaded'] = '%d photos uploaded';
$lang['%d photos were deleted'] = '%d photos deleted';
$lang['%d user was not updated.'] = '%d user not updated.';
$lang['%d user was updated.'] = '%d user updated.';
$lang['%d users were not updated.'] = '%d users not updated.';
$lang['%d users were updated.'] = '%d users updated.';
$lang['%s has been successfully upgraded.'] = '%s has been successfully upgraded.';
$lang['%s must be to set to false in your local/config/ file'] = '%s must be set to false in your local/config/ file';
$lang['%s value is not correct file because exif are not supported'] = '%s value is incorrect because exif are not supported';
$lang['+ Add an upload box'] = '+ Add an upload box';
$lang[', click on'] = ', click on';
$lang['... or switch to the multiple files form'] = '... or switch to the multiple files form';
$lang['... or switch to the old style form'] = '... or switch to the old style form';
$lang['A local listing.xml file has been found for'] = 'A local listing.xml file has been found for';
$lang['A new version of Piwigo is available.'] = 'A new version of Piwigo is available.';
$lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory "thumbnail" of the album directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :'] = 'a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory "thumbnail" of the album directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :';
$lang['ACCESS_0'] = 'Free access';
$lang['ACCESS_1'] = 'Access to all';
$lang['ACCESS_2'] = 'Access to registered users';
$lang['ACCESS_3'] = 'Access to administrators';
$lang['ACCESS_4'] = 'Access to webmasters';
$lang['ACCESS_5'] = 'No access';
$lang['Action'] = 'Action';
$lang['Activate field "%s"'] = 'Activate field "%s"';
$lang['Activate icon "%s"'] = 'Activate icon "%s"';
$lang['Activate Navigation Bar'] = 'Activate navigation bar';
$lang['Activate Navigation Thumbnails'] = 'Activate navigation thumbnails';
$lang['Active Languages'] = 'Active Languages';
$lang['Active Plugins'] = 'Active Plugins';
$lang['Active Themes'] = 'Active Themes';
$lang['Add a filter'] = 'Add a filter';
$lang['Add a virtual album'] = 'Add a virtual album';
$lang['Add another set of photos'] = 'Add another set of photos';
$lang['Add detailed content'] = 'Add some detailed content';
$lang['Add New Language'] = 'Add New Language';
$lang['add new photos to caddie'] = 'add new photos to caddie';


Vous aimez Piwigo alors n'hésitez pas à participer avec nous, plus d'infos sur la page "Contribuer à Piwigo". Si vous n'avez pas beaucoup de temps et que vous souhaitez nous soutenir vous pouvez aussi le faire par un don.

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