•  » Utilisation
  •  » [Résolu] Ajout de catégories d'une galerie dans une autre.

#16 2010-07-02 00:18:42


Re: [Résolu] Ajout de catégories d'une galerie dans une autre.

je prend les 2qui sont dans la catégorie et je les mets dans le dossier parents? "galleires"?

Hors ligne

#17 2010-07-02 00:27:21

Former Piwigo Team
Montpellier (FR)

Re: [Résolu] Ajout de catégories d'une galerie dans une autre.

Le piwigo maître est dans quelle version?
Les fichiers à prendre sont dans le répertoire ./tools de la version du site maître.

Et à placer das le cas présent dans le répertoire ./galleries/ du site distant.

PS: Là le site distant est lui aussi une galerie Piwigo mais ce n'est pas nécessaire.

Vincent -« Plus vidéaste averti que photographe amateur... »
La galerie - Le blog   

Piwigo est une application libre de gestion de photos en ligne.

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#18 2010-07-02 00:31:11


Re: [Résolu] Ajout de catégories d'une galerie dans une autre.

Je me résume:
La galerie Perso possède la catégorie en FTP, je souhaite afficher cette dernière dans ma galerie potes.
Je vais donc prendre les fichiers de toos "perso" et les mettre dans galerie. Je vos tiens au jus

Hors ligne

#19 2010-07-02 00:36:11

Former Piwigo Team
Montpellier (FR)

Re: [Résolu] Ajout de catégories d'une galerie dans une autre.

Celle qui contient les images c'est le site distant, celles qui va les afficher c'est la galerie maître.
C'est sur la galerie maître qu'on fera la synchro à partir du listing.
Le listing doit être fabriqué par le create_listing_file (CLF) de la même version que la synchro.

Vincent -« Plus vidéaste averti que photographe amateur... »
La galerie - Le blog   

Piwigo est une application libre de gestion de photos en ligne.

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#20 2010-07-02 00:45:44


Re: [Résolu] Ajout de catégories d'une galerie dans une autre.

Voila ce que j'ai fais:
Les 2fichiers de tools de ma galerie Potes dans "galleries" qui est mon site distant.
Je crée le listing.
Je prend le listing et le remet dans "piwigo" de ma galerie pote qui est mon site maitre.
Mais la je retombe sur le probleme de version.

Allez vais me coucher fais vraiment trop chaud en Alsace verrait ça demain matin avec vous.

Hors ligne

#21 2010-07-02 07:08:04

Former Piwigo Team
Montpellier (FR)

Re: [Résolu] Ajout de catégories d'une galerie dans une autre.

Copie/colle le contenu de create_listing_file_local.inc.php

Il y a des choses à changer.

Copie/Colle la première ligne de listing.xml (change le nom du site au besoin).

Cela sera peut-être plus clair pour les explications à venir.

PS:  À propos de "Potes" utilise, stp, le terme de "site principal" pour tous ceux qui reliront le sujet.

Vincent -« Plus vidéaste averti que photographe amateur... »
La galerie - Le blog   

Piwigo est une application libre de gestion de photos en ligne.

Hors ligne

#22 2010-07-02 10:09:45


Re: [Résolu] Ajout de catégories d'une galerie dans une autre.


// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Piwigo - a PHP based picture gallery                                  |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright(C) 2008-2010 Piwigo Team                  http://piwigo.org |
// | Copyright(C) 2003-2008 PhpWebGallery Team    http://phpwebgallery.net |
// | Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Pierrick LE GALL   http://le-gall.net/pierrick |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  |
// | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  |
// | the Free Software Foundation                                          |
// |                                                                       |
// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but   |
// | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            |
// | General Public License for more details.                              |
// |                                                                       |
// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     |
// | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software           |
// | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, |
// | USA.                                                                  |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                                User configuration                     |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

// ****** Gallery configuration ****** //
// Script version
$conf['version'] = '2.1.1';

// URL of main gallery
// Example : http://www.my.domain/my/directory
$conf['gallery'] = 'http://piwigo.org/demo';

// prefix for thumbnails in "thumbnail" sub directories
$conf['prefix_thumbnail'] = 'TN-';

// $conf['file_ext'] lists all extensions (case insensitive) allowed
// for your Piwigo installation
$conf['file_ext'] = array('jpg','JPG','jpeg','JPEG',

// $conf['picture_ext'] must be a subset of $conf['file_ext']
$conf['picture_ext'] = array('jpg','JPG','jpeg','JPEG',

// ****** Time limitation functionality ****** //
// max execution time before refresh in seconds
$conf['max_execution_time'] = (5*ini_get('max_execution_time'))/6; // 25 seconds with default PHP configuration
// force the use of refresh method
// in order to have live informations
// or
// to fix system witch are not safe mode but not autorized set_time_limit
$conf['force_refresh_method'] =  true;

// refresh delay is seconds
$conf['refresh_delay'] = 0;

// ****** EXIF support functionality ****** //
// $conf['use_exif'] set to true if you want to use Exif information
$conf['use_exif'] = true;

// use_exif_mapping: same behaviour as use_iptc_mapping
$conf['use_exif_mapping'] = array(
  'date_creation' => 'DateTimeOriginal'

// ****** IPTC support functionality ****** //
// $conf['use_iptc'] set to true if you want to use IPTC informations of the
// element according to get_sync_iptc_data function mapping, otherwise, set
// to false
$conf['use_iptc'] = false;

// use_iptc_mapping : in which IPTC fields will Piwigo find image
// information ? This setting is used during metadata synchronisation. It
// associates a piwigo_images column name to a IPTC key
$conf['use_iptc_mapping'] = array(
  'keywords'        => '2#025',
  'date_creation'   => '2#055',
  'author'          => '2#122',
  'name'            => '2#005',
  'comment'         => '2#120');

// ****** Directory protection functionality ****** //
// Define if directories have to be protected if they are not
$conf['protect'] = false;

// true/false : show/hide warnings
$conf['protect_warnings'] = true;

// ****** Thumbnails generation functionality ****** //
// Define if images have to be reduced if they are not
$conf['thumbnail'] = false;

// Define method to generate thumbnails : 
// - fixed (width and height required);
// - width (only width required);
// - height (only height required);
// - ratio (only ratio is required)
// - exif (no other parameter required)
$conf['thumbnail_method'] = 'ratio';

// Height in pixels (greater than 0)
$conf['thumbnail_height'] = 128;

// Width in pixels (greater than 0)
$conf['thumbnail_width'] = 128;

// Ratio between original and thumbnail size (strictly between 0 and 1)
$conf['thumbnail_ratio'] = 0.2;

// Define thumbnail format : jpeg, png or gif (will be verified)
$conf['thumbnail_format'] = 'jpeg';

// ****** Directory mapping ****** //
// directories names 
$conf['thumbs'] = 'thumbnail'; // thumbnails
$conf['high'] = 'pwg_high'; // high resolution
$conf['represent'] = 'pwg_representative'; // non pictures representative files

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Overload configurations                                               |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
@include(dirname(__FILE__).'/'.basename(__FILE__, '.php').'_local.inc.php');

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                                Advanced script configuration          |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

// url of icon directory in yoga template
$pwg_conf['icon_dir'] = $conf['gallery'].'/template/yoga/icon/';

// list of actions managed by this script
$pwg_conf['scan_action'] = array('clean', 'test', 'generate');

// url of this script
$pwg_conf['this_url'] = 
    (empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http://' : 'https://')
    .str_replace(':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'], '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])
    .($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80 ? ':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : '')

// list of reserved directory names
$pwg_conf['reserved_directory_names'] = array($conf['thumbs'], $conf['high'], $conf['represent'], ".", "..", ".svn");

// content of index.php generated in protect action
$pwg_conf['protect_content'] = '<?php header("Location: '.$conf['gallery'].'") ?>';

// backup of PHP safe_mode INI parameter (used for time limitation)
$pwg_conf['safe_mode'] = (ini_get('safe_mode') == '1') ? true : false;

// This parameter will be fixed in pwg_init()
$pwg_conf['gd_version_major'] = '';
$pwg_conf['gd_version_full'] = '';
$pwg_conf['gd_supported_format'] = array();

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                               Functions                               |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

 * write line in log file
 * @param string line
 * @return string
function pwg_log($line)
  $log_file = fopen(__FILE__.'.log', 'a');
  fwrite($log_file, $line);

 * Check web server graphical capabilities
 * @return string
function pwg_check_graphics()
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_check_graphics() >>>>>'."\n");
  global $conf, $pwg_conf;
  $log = '';
  // Verify gd library for thumbnail generation
  if ($conf['thumbnail'] and !is_callable('gd_info'))
    $log .= '          <code class="warning">Warning -</code> Your server can not generate thumbnails. Thumbnail creation switched off.<br />'."\n";
    // Switch off thumbnail generation
    $conf['thumbnail'] = false;
    return $log;
  // Verify thumnail format
  if ($conf['thumbnail'])
    $info = gd_info();
    // Backup GD major version
    $pwg_conf['gd_version_full'] = preg_replace('/[[:alpha:][:space:]()]+/', '', $info['GD Version']);
    list($pwg_conf['gd_version_major']) = preg_split('/[.]+/', $pwg_conf['gd_version_full']);
    // Backup input/output format support
    array_push($pwg_conf['gd_supported_format'], (isset($info['JPG Support']) and $info['JPG Support']) or (isset($info['JPEG Support']) and $info['JPEG Support']) ? 'jpeg' : NULL);
    array_push($pwg_conf['gd_supported_format'], $info['PNG Support'] ? 'png' : NULL);
    array_push($pwg_conf['gd_supported_format'], ($info['GIF Read Support'] and $info['GIF Create Support']) ? 'gif' : NULL);
    // Check output format support
    if (!in_array($conf['thumbnail_format'], $pwg_conf['gd_supported_format']))
      $log .= '          <code class="warning">Warning -</code> Your server does not support thumbnail\'s <code>';
      $log .= $conf['thumbnail_format'].'</code> format. Thumbnail creation switched off.<br />'."\n";
    switch ($conf['thumbnail_method'])
      case 'exif':
        // exif_thumbnail() must be callable
        if (!is_callable('exif_thumbnail'))
          $log .= '          <code class="warning">Warning -</code> Your server does not support thumbnail creation through EXIF datas. Thumbnail creation switched off.<br />'."\n";
      case 'fixed':
        // $conf['thumbnail_width'] > 0
        if (!is_numeric($conf['thumbnail_width']) or $conf['thumbnail_width'] <= 0)
          $log .= '          <code class="failure">Failure -</code> Bad value <code>thumbnail_width = ';
          $log .= var_export($conf['thumbnail_width'], true).'</code>. Thumbnail creation switched off.<br />'."\n";
        // $conf['thumbnail_height'] > 0
        if (!is_numeric($conf['thumbnail_height']) or $conf['thumbnail_height'] <= 0)
          $log .= '          <code class="failure">Failure -</code> Bad value <code>thumbnail_height = ';
          $log .= var_export($conf['thumbnail_height'], true).'</code>. Thumbnail creation switched off.<br />'."\n";
      case 'ratio':
        // 0 < $conf['thumbnail_ratio'] < 1
        if (!is_numeric($conf['thumbnail_ratio']) or $conf['thumbnail_ratio'] <= 0 or $conf['thumbnail_ratio'] >= 1)
          $log .= '          <code class="failure">Failure -</code> Bad value <code>thumbnail_ratio = ';
          $log .= var_export($conf['thumbnail_ratio'], true).'</code>. Thumbnail creation switched off.<br />'."\n";
      case 'width':
        // $conf['thumbnail_width'] > 0
        if (!is_numeric($conf['thumbnail_width']) or $conf['thumbnail_width'] <= 0)
          $log .= '          <code class="failure">Failure -</code> Bad value <code>thumbnail_width = ';
          $log .= var_export($conf['thumbnail_width'], true).'</code>. Thumbnail creation switched off.<br />'."\n";
      case 'height':
        // $conf['thumbnail_height'] > 0
        if (!is_numeric($conf['thumbnail_height']) or $conf['thumbnail_height'] <= 0)
          $log .= '          <code class="failure">Failure -</code> Bad value <code>thumbnail_height = ';
          $log .= var_export($conf['thumbnail_height'], true).'</code>. Thumbnail creation switched off.<br />'."\n";
        // unknown method
          $log .= '          <code class="failure">Failure -</code> Bad value <code>thumbnail_method = ';
          $log .= var_export($conf['thumbnail_method'], true).'</code>. Thumbnail creation switched off.<br />'."\n";
    if (strlen($log))
      $conf['thumbnail'] = false;
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_check_graphics() returns '.var_export($log, TRUE).' <<<<<'."\n");
  return $log;

 * returns xml </dirX> lines
 * @param integer $dir_start
 * @param integer $dir_number
 * @return string
function pwg_close_level($dir_start, $dir_number)
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_close_level($dir_start = '.var_export($dir_start, TRUE).', $dir_number = '.var_export($dir_number, TRUE).') >>>>>'."\n");
  $lines ='';
    $lines .= str_repeat(' ', 2*$dir_start).'</dir'.$dir_start.">\n";
  while(($dir_number > 0) && ($dir_start >= 0));
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_close_level returns '.var_export($lines, TRUE).' <<<<<'."\n");
  return $lines;

 * return a cleaned IPTC value
 * @param string value
 * @return string
function pwg_clean_iptc_value($value)
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_clean_iptc_value ($value = '.var_export($value, TRUE).') >>>>>'."\n");
  // strip leading zeros (weird Kodak Scanner software)
  while (isset($value[0]) and $value[0] == chr(0))
    $value = substr($value, 1);
  // remove binary nulls
  $value = str_replace(chr(0x00), ' ', $value);

  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_clean_iptc_value() returns '.var_export($value, TRUE).' <<<<<'."\n");
  return $value;

 * returns informations from IPTC metadata, mapping is done at the beginning
 * of the function
 * @param string $filename
 * @param string $map
 * @return array
function pwg_get_iptc_data($filename, $map)
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_get_iptc_data ($filename = '.var_export($filename, TRUE).', $map = '.var_export($map, TRUE).') >>>>>'."\n");
  $result = array();

  // Read IPTC data
  $iptc = array();

  $imginfo = array();
  getimagesize($filename, $imginfo);

  if (isset($imginfo['APP13']))
    $iptc = iptcparse($imginfo['APP13']);
    if (is_array($iptc))
      $rmap = array_flip($map);
      foreach (array_keys($rmap) as $iptc_key)
        if (isset($iptc[$iptc_key][0]))
          if ($iptc_key == '2#025')
            $value = implode(',', array_map('pwg_clean_iptc_value', $iptc[$iptc_key]));
            $value = pwg_clean_iptc_value($iptc[$iptc_key][0]);

          foreach (array_keys($map, $iptc_key) as $pwg_key)
            $result[$pwg_key] = $value;
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_get_iptc_data() returns '.var_export($result, TRUE).' <<<<<'."\n");
  return $result;

 * returns informations from IPTC metadata
 * @param string $file
 * @return array iptc
function pwg_get_sync_iptc_data($file)
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_get_sync_iptc_data ($file = '.var_export($file, TRUE).') >>>>>'."\n");

  global $conf;

  $map = $conf['use_iptc_mapping'];
  $datefields = array('date_creation', 'date_available');

  $iptc = pwg_get_iptc_data($file, $map);

  foreach ($iptc as $pwg_key => $value)
    if (in_array($pwg_key, $datefields))
      if ( preg_match('/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/', $value, $matches))
        $value = $matches[1].'-'.$matches[2].'-'.$matches[3];
    if ($pwg_key == 'keywords')
      // official keywords separator is the comma
      $value = preg_replace('/[.;]/', ',', $value);
      $value = preg_replace('/^,+|,+$/', '', $value);
    $iptc[$pwg_key] = htmlentities($value);

  $iptc['keywords'] = isset($iptc['keywords']) ? implode(',', array_unique(explode(',', $iptc['keywords']))) : NULL;

  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_get_sync_iptc_data() returns '.var_export($iptc, TRUE).' <<<<<'."\n");
  return $iptc;

 * return extension of the representative file
 * @param string $file_dir
 * @param string $file_short
 * @return string
function pwg_get_representative_ext($file_dir, $file_short)
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_get_representative_ext($file_dir = '.var_export($file_dir, TRUE).', $file_short = '.var_export($file_short, TRUE).') >>>>>'."\n");
  global $conf;
  $rep_ext = '';
  foreach ($conf['picture_ext'] as $ext)
    if (file_exists($file_dir.'/'.$conf['represent'].'/'.$file_short.'.'.$ext))
      $rep_ext = $ext;
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_get_representative_ext() returns '.var_export($rep_ext, TRUE).' <<<<<'."\n");
  return $rep_ext; 

 * return 'true' if high resolution picture exists else ''
 * @param string $file_dir
 * @param string $file_base
 * @return boolean
function pwg_get_high($file_dir, $file_base)
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_get_high($file = '.var_export($file_dir, TRUE).', $line = '.var_export($file_base, TRUE).') >>>>>'."\n");
  global $conf;
  $high = false;
  if (file_exists($file_dir.'/'.$conf['high'].'/'.$file_base))
    $high = true;
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_get_high() returns '.var_export($high, TRUE).' <<<<<'."\n");
  return $high; 

 * return filename without extension
 * @param string $filename
 * @return string
function pwg_get_filename_wo_extension($filename)
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> _get_filename_wo_extension($filename = '.var_export($filename, TRUE).') >>>>>'."\n");
  $short_name = substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, '.'));
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< _get_filename_wo_extension() returns '.var_export($short_name, TRUE).' <<<<<'."\n");
  return $short_name;

 * return extension of the thumbnail and complete error_log
 * @param string $file_dir
 * @param string $file_short
 * @param string $file_ext
 * @param string &$error_log
 * @return string
function pwg_get_thumbnail_ext($file_dir, $file_short, $file_ext, &$error_log, &$icon_log)
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_get_thumbnail_ext($file_dir = '.var_export($file_dir, TRUE).', $file_short = '.var_export($file_short, TRUE).') >>>>>'."\n");
  global $conf;
  $thumb_ext = '';
  foreach ($conf['picture_ext'] as $ext)
    if (file_exists($file_dir.'/'.$conf['thumbs'].'/'.$conf['prefix_thumbnail'].$file_short.'.'.$ext))
      $thumb_ext = $ext;
  if ($thumb_ext == '')
    if ($conf['thumbnail'])
      $log = pwg_icon_file($file_dir, $file_short, $file_ext);
      if (strpos($log, 'success'))
        $thumb_ext = $conf['thumbnail_format'];
      $icon_log .= $log;  
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_get_thumbnail_ext() returns '.var_export($thumb_ext, TRUE).' <<<<<'."\n");
  return $thumb_ext; 

 * return error logs
 * @param string $file_dir
 * @param string $file_short
 * @param string $file_ext
 * @return string
function pwg_icon_file($file_dir, $file_short, $file_ext)
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_icon_file($file_dir = '.var_export($file_dir, TRUE).', $file_short = '.var_export($file_short, TRUE).') >>>>>'."\n");
  global $conf, $pwg_conf;
  $error_log = '';
  // Create thumbnail directory if not exists
  if (!file_exists($file_dir.'/'.$conf['thumbs']))

  // Get original properties (width, height)
  if ($image_size = getimagesize($file_dir.'/'.$file_short.'.'.$file_ext))
    $src_width = $image_size[0];
    $src_height = $image_size[1];
    $error_log .= '          <code class="failure">Failure -</code> Can not generate icon for <code>';
    $error_log .= $file_dir.'/'.$file_short.'.'.$file_ext.'</code>';
    $error_log .= ' <img src="'.$pwg_conf['icon_dir'].'add_tag.png" title="width/height are unreadable" /><br />'."\n";
    return $error_log;
  // Check input format
  $dst_format = $conf['thumbnail_format'];
  $src_format = ($file_ext == 'jpg' or $file_ext == 'JPG') ? 'jpeg' : strtolower($file_ext);
  if (!in_array($src_format, $pwg_conf['gd_supported_format']))
    $error_log .= '          <code class="failure">Failure -</code> Can not generate icon for <code>';
    $error_log .= $file_dir.'/'.$file_short.'.'.$file_ext.'</code>';
    $error_log .= ' <img src="'.$pwg_conf['icon_dir'].'add_tag.png" title="format not supported" /><br />'."\n";
    return $error_log;
  // Calculate icon properties (width, height)
  switch ($conf['thumbnail_method'])
    case 'fixed':
      $dst_width  = $conf['thumbnail_width'];
      $dst_height = $conf['thumbnail_height'];
    case 'width':
      $dst_width  = $conf['thumbnail_width'];
      $dst_height = $dst_width * $src_height / $src_width;
    case 'height':
      $dst_height = $conf['thumbnail_height'];
      $dst_width  = $dst_height * $src_width / $src_height;
    case 'ratio':
      $dst_width  = round($src_width * $conf['thumbnail_ratio']);
      $dst_height = round($src_height * $conf['thumbnail_ratio']);
    case 'exif':
      // Nothing to do
  // Creating icon
  if ($conf['thumbnail_method'] == 'exif')
    $src = exif_thumbnail($file_dir.'/'.$file_short.'.'.$file_ext, $width, $height, $imagetype);
    if ($src === false)
      $error_log .= '          <code class="failure">Failure -</code> No EXIF thumbnail in <code>';
      $error_log .= $file_dir.'/'.$file_short.'.'.$file_ext.'</code><br />'."\n";
      return $error_log;
    $dst = imagecreatefromstring($src);
    if ($src === false)
      $error_log .= '          <code class="failure">Failure -</code> EXIF thumbnail format not supported in <code>';
      $error_log .= $file_dir.'/'.$file_short.'.'.$file_ext.'</code><br />'."\n";
      return $error_log;
    if (($pwg_conf['gd_version_major'] != 2)) // or ($conf['thumbnail_format'] == 'gif'))
      $dst = imagecreate($dst_width, $dst_height);
      $dst = imagecreatetruecolor($dst_width, $dst_height);
    $src = call_user_func('imagecreatefrom'.$src_format, $file_dir.'/'.$file_short.'.'.$file_ext);
    if (!$src)
      $error_log .= '          <code class="failure">Failure -</code> Internal error for <code>imagecreatefrom'.$src_format.'()</code>';
      $error_log .= 'with <code>'.$file_dir.'/'.$file_short.'.'.$file_ext.'</code><br />'."\n";
      return $error_log;
    if (($pwg_conf['gd_version_major'] != 2))
      if (!imagecopyresized($dst, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dst_width, $dst_height, $src_width, $src_height))
        $error_log .= '          <code class="failure">Failure -</code> Internal error for <code>imagecopyresized()</code>';
        $error_log .= 'with <code>'.$file_dir.'/'.$file_short.'.'.$file_ext.'</code><br />'."\n";
        return $error_log;
      if (!imagecopyresampled($dst, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dst_width, $dst_height, $src_width, $src_height))
        $error_log .= '          <code class="failure">Failure -</code> Internal error for <code>imagecopyresampled()</code>';
        $error_log .= 'with <code>'.$file_dir.'/'.$file_short.'.'.$file_ext.'</code><br />'."\n";
        return $error_log;
  if (!call_user_func('image'.$dst_format, $dst, $file_dir.'/'.$conf['thumbs'].'/'.$conf['prefix_thumbnail'].$file_short.'.'.$conf['thumbnail_format']))
    $error_log .= '          <code class="failure">Failure -</code> Can not write <code>';
    $error_log .= $file_dir.'/'.$conf['thumbs'].'/'.$conf['prefix_thumbnail'].$file_short.'.'.$file_ext.'</code> to generate thumbnail<br />'."\n";
    return $error_log;
  $error_log .= '          <code class="success">Success -</code> Thumbnail generated for <code>';
  $error_log .= $file_dir.'/'.$file_short.'.'.$file_ext.'</code><br />'."\n";

  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_icon_file() returns '.var_export($error_log, TRUE).' <<<<<'."\n");
  return $error_log; 

 * completes xml line <element .../> and returns error log
 * @param string $file
 * @param string &$line
 * @return string
function pwg_scan_file($file_full, &$line)
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_scan_file($file = '.var_export($file_full, TRUE).', $line = '.var_export($line, TRUE).') >>>>>'."\n");
  global $conf, $pwg_conf;
  $error_log ='';
  $icon_log = '';
  $file_base  = basename($file_full);
  $file_short = pwg_get_filename_wo_extension($file_base);
  $file_ext   = pwg_get_file_extension($file_base);
  $file_dir   = dirname($file_full);

  $element['file'] = $file_base;
  $element['path'] = dirname($pwg_conf['this_url']).substr($file_dir, 1).'/'.$file_base;
  if (in_array($file_ext, $conf['picture_ext']))
    // Here we scan a picture : thumbnail is mandatory, high is optionnal, representative is not scanned
    $element['tn_ext'] = pwg_get_thumbnail_ext($file_dir, $file_short, $file_ext, $error_log, $icon_log);
    if ($element['tn_ext'] != '')
      // picture has a thumbnail, get image width, heigth, size in Mo
      $element['filesize'] = floor(filesize($file_full) / 1024);
      if ($image_size = getimagesize($file_full))
        $element['width'] = $image_size[0];
        $element['height'] = $image_size[1];
      // get high resolution
      if (pwg_get_high($file_dir, $file_base))
        $element['has_high'] = 'true';
        $high_file = $file_dir.'/'.$conf['high'].'/'.$file_base;
        $element['high_filesize'] = floor(filesize($high_file) / 1024);
      // get EXIF meta datas
      if ($conf['use_exif'])
        // Verify activation of exif module
        if (extension_loaded('exif'))
          if ($exif = read_exif_data($file_full))
            foreach ($conf['use_exif_mapping'] as $pwg_key => $exif_key )
              if (isset($exif[$exif_key]))
                if ( in_array($pwg_key, array('date_creation','date_available') ) )
                  if (preg_match('/^(\d{4}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/', $exif[$exif_key], $matches))
                      $element[$pwg_key] = $matches[1].'-'.$matches[2].'-'.$matches[3];
                  $element[$pwg_key] = $exif[$exif_key];
      // get IPTC meta datas
      if ($conf['use_iptc'])
        $iptc = pwg_get_sync_iptc_data($file_full);
        if (count($iptc) > 0)
          foreach (array_keys($iptc) as $key)
            $element[$key] = addslashes($iptc[$key]);
      $error_log .= '          <code class="failure">Failure -</code> Thumbnail is missing for <code>'.$file_dir.'/'.$file_base.'</code>';
      $error_log .= ' <img src="'.$pwg_conf['icon_dir'].'add_tag.png" title="'.$file_dir.'/thumbnail/'.$conf['prefix_thumbnail'].$file_short;
      $error_log .= '.xxx ('.implode(', ', $conf['picture_ext']).')" /><br />'."\n";
    // Here we scan a non picture file : thumbnail and high are unused, representative is optionnal
    $element['tn_ext'] = pwg_get_thumbnail_ext($file_dir, $file_short, $file_ext, $log);
    $ext = pwg_get_representative_ext($file_dir, $file_short);
    if ($ext != '')
      $element['representative_ext'] = $ext;
    $element['filesize'] = floor(filesize($file_full) / 1024);
  if (strlen($error_log) == 0)
    $line = pwg_get_indent('element').'<element ';
    foreach($element as $key => $value)
      $line .= $key.'="'.$value.'" ';
    $line .= '/>'."\n";

  // Adding Icon generation log to message
  $error_log .= $icon_log;

  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_scan_file() returns '.var_export($error_log, TRUE).' <<<<<'."\n");
  return $error_log;

 * returns current level in tree
 * @return integer
function pwg_get_level($dir)
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_get_level($dir = '.var_export($dir, TRUE).') >>>>>'."\n");
  $level = substr_count($dir, '/') - 1; // -1 because of ./ at the beginning of path
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_get_level() returns '.var_export($level, TRUE).' <<<<<'."\n");
  return $level;

 * returns indentation of element 
 * @param string $element_type : 'root', 'element', 'dir'
 * @return string
function pwg_get_indent($element_type)
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_get_indent($element_type = '.var_export($element_type, TRUE).') >>>>>'."\n");
  $level = substr_count($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'][0], '/') - 1; // because of ./ at the beginning
    case 'dir' :
      $indent = str_repeat(' ', 2*pwg_get_level($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'][0]));
    case 'root' :
      $indent = str_repeat(' ', 2*pwg_get_level($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'][0])+2);
    case 'element' :
      $indent = str_repeat(' ', 2*pwg_get_level($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'][0])+4);
    default :
      $indent = '';
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_get_indent() returns '.var_export(strlen($indent), TRUE).' spaces <<<<<'."\n");
  return $indent;

 * create index.php in directory and reserved sub_directories, return logs
 * @param string dir
 * @return string
function pwg_protect_directories($directory)
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_protect_directories($directory = '.var_export($directory, true).') >>>>>'."\n");
  global $conf;
  $error_log = '';
  $dirlist = array($directory, $directory.'/'.$conf['thumbs'], $directory.'/'.$conf['high'], $directory.'/'.$conf['represent']);
  foreach ($dirlist as $dir)
    if (file_exists($dir))
      if (!file_exists($dir.'/index.php'))
        $file = @fopen($dir.'/index.php', 'w');
        if ($file != false)
          fwrite($file, $pwg_conf['protect_content']); // the return code should be verified
          $error_log .= '          <code class="success">Success -</code> index.php created in directory <a href="'.$dir.'">'.$dir."</a><br />\n";
          $error_log .= '          <code class="failure">Failure -</code> Can not create index.php in directory <code>'.$dir."</code><br />\n";
        if ($conf['protect_warnings'])
          $error_log .= '          <code class="warning">Warning -</code> index.php already exists in directory <a href="'.$dir.'">'.$dir."</a><br />\n";
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_protect_directories() returns '.var_export($error_log, true).' <<<<<'."\n");
  return $error_log;

 * returns file extension (.xxx)
 * @param string $file
 * @return string
function pwg_get_file_extension($file)
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_get_file_extension($file = '.var_export($file, true).') >>>>>'."\n");
  $ext = substr(strrchr($file, '.'), 1, strlen ($file));
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_get_file_extension() returns '.var_export($ext, true).' <<<<<'."\n");
  return $ext;

 * completes directory list of supported files and returns error logs
 * @param string $directory
 * @return string
function pwg_get_file_list($directory)
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_get_file_list($directory = '.var_export($directory, true).') >>>>>'."\n");
  global $conf, $pwg_conf;

  $errorLog = '';
  $dir = opendir($directory);
  while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false)
    switch (filetype($directory."/".$file))
      case 'file' :
        if (in_array(pwg_get_file_extension($file), $conf['file_ext']))
          // The file pointed is a regular file with a supported extension
          array_push($_SESSION['scan_list_file'], $directory.'/'.$file);
          //~ pwg_log('--->> Push in $_SESSION[scan_list_file] value "'.$directory.'/'.$file.'"'."\n");
          if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+$/', $file))
            $errorLog .= '          <code class="failure">Failure -</code> Invalid file name for <code>'.$file.'</code> in <code>'.$directory.'</code>';
            $errorLog .= ' <img src="'.$pwg_conf['icon_dir'].'add_tag.png"';
            $errorLog .= ' title="Name should be composed of letters, figures, -, _ or . ONLY" /><br />'."\n";
        break; // End of filetype FILE
      case 'dir' :
        if(!in_array($file, $pwg_conf['reserved_directory_names']))
          // The file pointed is a directory but neither system directory nor reserved by PWG
          array_push($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'], $directory.'/'.$file);
          //~ pwg_log('--->> Push in $_SESSION[scan_list_fold] value "'.$directory.'/'.$file.'"'."\n");
          if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+$/', $file))
            $errorLog .= '          <code class="failure">Failure -</code> Invalid directory name for <code>'.$directory.'/'.$file.'</code>';
            $errorLog .= ' <img src="'.$pwg_conf['icon_dir'].'add_tag.png"';
            $errorLog .= ' title="Name should be composed of letters, figures, -, _ or . ONLY" /><br />'."\n";
        break; // End of filetype DIR
      case 'fifo' :
      case 'char' :
      case 'block' :
      case 'link' :
      case 'unknown':
      default :
        // PWG does not manage these cases
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_get_file_list() returns '.var_export($errorLog, true).' <<<<<'."\n");

  return $errorLog;

 * returns a float value coresponding to the number of seconds since the
 * unix epoch (1st January 1970) and the microseconds are precised :
 * e.g. 1052343429.89276600
 * @return float
function pwg_get_moment()
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_get_moment() >>>>>'."\n");
  $t1 = explode(' ', microtime());
  $t2 = explode('.', $t1[0]);
  $t2 = $t1[1].'.'.$t2[1];

  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_get_moment() returns '.var_export($t2, true).' <<<<<'."\n");
  return $t2;

 * return true if HTTP_REFERER and PHP_SELF are similar
 * return boolean
function pwg_referer_is_me()
  global $pwg_conf;

  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_referer_is_me() >>>>>'."\n");
  $response = false;
  $caller = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '';

  if (strcasecmp($pwg_conf['this_url'], $caller) == 0) {
    $response = true;

  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_referer_is_me() returns '.var_export($response, true).' <<<<<'."\n");
  return $response;

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                                pwg_<ACTION>_<STEP> Functions          |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

function pwg_test_start()
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_test_start() >>>>>'."\n");

  global $g_message, $conf;
  if (isset($_REQUEST['version']))
    if ($_REQUEST['version'] != $conf['version'])
      $g_message = '0';
      $g_message = '1';
    $g_message  = '1';
  $_SESSION['scan_step'] = 'exit';
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_test_start() <<<<<'."\n");

function pwg_test_exit()
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_test_exit() >>>>>'."\n");

  global $g_header, $g_message, $g_footer, $conf, $pwg_conf;
  if (pwg_referer_is_me())
    $g_header  = ' : <span class="success">Test</span>'."\n";
    $g_footer  = '<a href="'.$pwg_conf['this_url'].'" title="Main menu"><img src="'.$pwg_conf['icon_dir'].'up.png" /></a>'."\n";
    // Write version
    $g_message  = '        <h3>Script version</h3>'."\n";
    $g_message .= '        This script is tagged : <code class="failure">'.$conf['version'].'</code>'."\n";
    // write GD support
    if (!is_callable('gd_info'))
      $g_message .= '        <code class="failure">Failure -</code> Your server can not generate imagess<br />'."\n";
      $info = gd_info();
      $gd_full_version = preg_replace('/[[:alpha:][:space:]()]+/', '', $info['GD Version']);
      list($gd_version) = preg_split('/[.]+/', $gd_full_version);
      $g_message .= '        <h3>Image generation</h3>'."\n";
      $g_message .= '        <code class="success">Success -</code> Your server can generate images<br />'."\n";
      $g_message .= '        <code class="warning">Warning -</code> Your server support GD'.$gd_version.' (v'.$gd_full_version.')<br />'."\n";
      $format_list = array();
      $format = ($info['GIF Create Support']) ? '<code>gif</code>' : NULL;
      array_push($format_list, $format);
      $format = ((isset($info['JPG Support']) and $info['JPG Support']) or (isset($info['JPEG Support']) and $info['JPEG Support'])) ? '<code>jpg</code>' : NULL;
      array_push($format_list, $format);
      $format = ($info['PNG Support']) ? '<code>png</code>' : NULL;
      array_push($format_list, $format);
      $g_message .= '        <code class="warning">Warning -</code> Your server support format: '.implode(', ', $format_list)."\n";
    $g_message .= '        <h3>Directory parsing</h3>'."\n";
    if ($pwg_conf['safe_mode'])
      $g_message .= '        <code class="warning">Warning -</code> Your server does not support to resize execution time'."\n";
      $g_message .= '        <code class="success">Success -</code> Your server supports to resize execution time'."\n";
    // compare version in GET parameter with $conf['version'] 
    if ($g_message == '1')
      exit('<pre>PWG-INFO-2: test successful</pre>');
      exit('<pre>PWG-ERROR-4: Piwigo versions differs</pre>');
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_test_exit() <<<<<'."\n");

function pwg_clean_start()
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_clean_start() >>>>>'."\n");
  global $g_message;
    $g_message = '1';
    $g_message = '0';

  $_SESSION['scan_step'] = 'exit';
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_clean_start() <<<<<'."\n");

function pwg_clean_exit()
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_clean_exit() >>>>>'."\n");

  global $g_header, $g_message, $g_footer, $conf, $pwg_conf;
    $g_header = ' : <span class="success">Clean</span>';
    if ($g_message == '1')
      $g_message = '        <code class="success">Success -</code> <code>listing.xml</code> file deleted'."\n";
      $g_message = '        <code class="failure">Failure -</code> <code>listing.xml</code> does not exist or is read only'."\n";
    $g_footer = '<a href="'.$pwg_conf['this_url'].'" title="Main menu"><img src="'.$pwg_conf['icon_dir'].'up.png" /></a>';
    if ($g_message == '1')
      exit('<pre>PWG-INFO-3 : listing.xml file deleted</pre>');
      exit('<pre>PWG-ERROR-3 : listing.xml does not exist</pre>');
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_clean_exit() <<<<<'."\n");

function pwg_generate_start()
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_generate_start() >>>>>'."\n");
  //~ pwg_log("GENARATE start >>>\n".var_export($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'], true)."\n".var_export($_SESSION['scan_list_file'], true)."\nGENERATE start >>>\n");

  global $g_listing, $pwg_conf, $conf;
  // Flush line <informations>
  $xml_header_url = dirname($pwg_conf['this_url']);
  $xml_header_date = date('Y-m-d');
  $xml_header_version = htmlentities($conf['version']);
  $attrs = array();
  if ($conf['use_iptc'])
    $attrs = array_merge($attrs, array_keys($conf['use_iptc_mapping']) );
  if ($conf['use_exif'])
    $attrs = array_merge($attrs, array_keys($conf['use_exif_mapping']) );
  $xml_header_metadata = implode(',',array_unique($attrs));
  $xml_header = '<informations';
  $xml_header .= ' generation_date="'.$xml_header_date.'"';
  $xml_header .= ' phpwg_version="'.$xml_header_version.'"';
  $xml_header .= ' metadata="'.$xml_header_metadata.'"';
  $xml_header .= ' url="'.$xml_header_url.'/"';
  $xml_header .= '>'."\n";
  fwrite($g_listing, $xml_header);
  // Initialization of directory and file lists
  $_SESSION['scan_list_fold'] = array();
  $_SESSION['scan_list_file'] = array();
  $_SESSION['scan_logs'] .= pwg_get_file_list('.');
  // Erase first file list because root directory does not contain images.
  $_SESSION['scan_list_file'] = array();
  // What are we doing at next step
  if(count($_SESSION['scan_list_fold']) > 0)
    $_SESSION['scan_step'] = 'list';
    $_SESSION['scan_step'] = 'stop';
  //~ pwg_log("GENARATE start <<<\n".var_export($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'], true)."\n".var_export($_SESSION['scan_list_file'], true)."\nGENERATE start <<<\n");
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_generate_start() <<<<<'."\n");

function pwg_generate_list()
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_generate_list() >>>>>'."\n");
  //~ pwg_log("GENARATE list >>>\n".var_export($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'], true)."\n".var_export($_SESSION['scan_list_file'], true)."\nGENERATE list >>>\n");
  global $g_listing;
  // Flush line <dirX name=""> in xml file
  $dirname = basename($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'][0]);
  $line = pwg_get_indent('dir').'<dir'.pwg_get_level($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'][0]).' name="'.$dirname.'">'."\n";
  fwrite($g_listing, $line);
  // Get list of files and directories
  $_SESSION['scan_logs'] .= pwg_get_file_list($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'][0]);
  sort($_SESSION['scan_list_fold']); // Mandatory to keep the tree order
  sort($_SESSION['scan_list_file']); // Easier to read when sorted
  // Flush line <root>
  $line = pwg_get_indent('root').'<root>'."\n";
  fwrite($g_listing, $line);
  // What are we doing at next step
  $_SESSION['scan_step'] = 'scan';
  //~ pwg_log("GENARATE list <<<\n".var_export($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'], true)."\n".var_export($_SESSION['scan_list_file'], true)."\nGENERATE list <<<\n");
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_generate_list() <<<<<'."\n");

function pwg_generate_scan()
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_generate_scan() >>>>>'."\n");
  //~ pwg_log("GENARATE scan >>>\n".var_export($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'], true)."\n".var_export($_SESSION['scan_list_file'], true)."\nGENERATE scan >>>\n");
  global $g_listing, $conf;
  while (pwg_continue() and count($_SESSION['scan_list_file']) > 0)
    $line = '';
    $_SESSION['scan_logs'] .= pwg_scan_file($_SESSION['scan_list_file'][0], $line);
    if (strlen($line) > 0)
      fwrite($g_listing, $line);
    //~ pwg_log('---<< Pull of $_SESSION[scan_list_file] value "'.$_SESSION['scan_list_file'][0].'"'."\n");
  if (count($_SESSION['scan_list_file']) <= 0)
    $_SESSION['scan_step'] = 'prot';
  //~ pwg_log("GENERATE scan <<<\n".var_export($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'], true)."\n".var_export($_SESSION['scan_list_file'], true)."\nGENERATE scan <<<\n");
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_generate_scan() <<<<<'."\n");

function pwg_generate_prot()
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_generate_prot() >>>>>'."\n");
  //~ pwg_log("GENARATE prot >>>\n".var_export($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'], true)."\n".var_export($_SESSION['scan_list_file'], true)."\nGENERATE prot >>>\n");
  global $conf, $g_listing;
  // Flush line </root>
  $line = pwg_get_indent('root').'</root>'."\n";
  fwrite($g_listing, $line);
  if ($conf['protect'])
    $_SESSION['scan_logs'] .= pwg_protect_directories($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'][0]);
  // How many directories to close
  $current_level = pwg_get_level($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'][0]);
  if (isset($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'][1]))
    //~ pwg_log('---<< Pull of $_SESSION[scan_list_fold] value "'.$_SESSION['scan_list_fold'][0].'"'."\n");
    $next_level = pwg_get_level($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'][0]);
    $_SESSION['scan_step'] = 'list';
    $next_level = -1;
    $_SESSION['scan_step'] = 'stop';
  if ($current_level == $next_level)
    fwrite($g_listing, pwg_close_level($current_level, 1));
    if (($current_level > $next_level))
      fwrite($g_listing, pwg_close_level($current_level, $current_level-$next_level+1));
    } // Nothing to do if current_level < next_level

  //~ pwg_log("GENERATE prot <<<\n".var_export($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'], true)."\n".var_export($_SESSION['scan_list_file'], true)."\nGENERATE prot <<<\n");
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_generate_prot() <<<<<'."\n");

function pwg_generate_stop()
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_generate_stop() >>>>>'."\n");
  //~ pwg_log("GENARATE stop >>>\n".var_export($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'], true)."\n".var_export($_SESSION['scan_list_file'], true)."\nGENERATE stop >>>\n");
  global $pwg_conf, $g_listing, $g_header, $g_message, $g_footer;
  // Flush line </informations>
  fwrite($g_listing, '</informations>'."\n");
  // backup error log before cleaning session
  $time_elapsed = number_format(pwg_get_moment() - $_SESSION['scan_time'], 3, '.', ' ');
  $g_header   = ' : <span class="success">Generate</span>';
  $g_message  = '        <div>'."\n".$_SESSION['scan_logs'].'        </div>'."\n";
  $g_message .= '        <div><code class="success">'.$_SESSION['scan_cnt_fold'].'</code> directories parsed<br />'."\n";
  $g_message .= '        <code class="success">'.$_SESSION['scan_cnt_file'].'</code> files scanned</div>'."\n";
  $g_message .= '        <div>View <a href="listing.xml">listing.xml</a></div>'."\n";
  $g_message .= '        <div style="{text-align: right;}">Listing generated in : <code>'.$time_elapsed.' s</code></div>';
  $g_footer   = '<a href="'.$pwg_conf['this_url'].'" title="Main menu"><img src="'.$pwg_conf['icon_dir'].'up.png" /></a>';
  // What are we doing at next step
  $_SESSION['scan_step'] = 'exit';
  //~ pwg_log("GENARATE stop <<<\n".var_export($_SESSION['scan_list_fold'], true)."\n".var_export($_SESSION['scan_list_file'], true)."\nGENERATE stop <<<\n");
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_generate_stop() <<<<<'."\n");

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                                ALWAYS CALLED FUNCTIONS                |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

 * This function check step and time ellapsed to determine end of loop
 * @return bool
function pwg_continue()
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_continue() >>>>>'."\n");
  global $conf, $pwg_conf, $g_refresh, $g_header, $g_message, $g_footer, $start_time;
  if (!isset($_SESSION['scan_step']) or $_SESSION['scan_step'] == 'exit')
    // evident end of process
    $return = false;
    if ($pwg_conf['safe_mode'] or $conf['force_refresh_method'])
      // can not reset the time
      $time_elapsed = pwg_get_moment() - $start_time;
      if ($time_elapsed < $conf['max_execution_time'])
        $return = true;
        $start_time = $_SESSION['scan_time'];
        $formated_time = number_format(pwg_get_moment() - $start_time, 3, '.', ' ');

        $g_refresh = '<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="'.$conf['refresh_delay'].'">'."\n";
        $g_header  = ' : <span class="success">'.ucfirst($_SESSION['scan_action']).'</span>';
        $g_message = '';
        if ($_SESSION['scan_cnt_fold'] != 0)
          $g_message .= '<code class="success">'.$_SESSION['scan_cnt_fold'].'</code> directories scanned<br />'."\n";
        if ($_SESSION['scan_cnt_file'] != 0)
          $g_message .= '<code class="success">'.$_SESSION['scan_cnt_file'].'</code> files scanned<br />'."\n";
        $nb = count($_SESSION['scan_list_fold']);
        if ($nb > 0)
          $g_message .= '<code class="warning">'.$nb.'</code> directories to scan<br />'."\n";
        $nb = count($_SESSION['scan_list_file']);
        if ($nb > 0)
          $g_message .= '<code class="warning">'.$nb.'</code> files to scan<br />'."\n";
        $g_message .= '        <div style="{text-align: right;}">Time elapsed : <code>'.$formated_time.' s</code></div>';
        $g_footer  = '<a href="'.$pwg_conf['this_url'].'?action='.$_SESSION['scan_action'].'" title="Continue"><img src="'.$pwg_conf['icon_dir'].'right.png" /></a>'."\n";
        $return = false;
      // reset the time
      $return = true;
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_continue() returns '.var_export($return, true).' <<<<<'."\n");
  return $return;

 * This function :
 * -> Verify the script call
 * -> Lock the script
 * -> Open listing.xml if action is 'generate'
 * -> Initialize output and session variables
 * @return nothing
function pwg_init()
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_init() >>>>>'."\n");

  global $g_message, $g_listing, $g_footer, $conf, $pwg_conf, $start_time;
  $init_message = '';
  // Lock other script sessions, this lock will be remove during 'exit' step
  if (!isset($_SESSION['scan_step']))
    $fp = @fopen(__FILE__.'.lock', 'x+'); // return false if __FILE__.lock exists or if cannot create
    if ($fp == false)
      $g_header   = $_SESSION['scan_action'];
      $g_message  = '        <code class="failure">Failure -</code> Another script is running';
      $g_message .= ' <img src="'.$pwg_conf['icon_dir'].'add_tag.png" title="Delete file '.__FILE__.'.lock and retry" />';
      $g_message .= "\n";
      $g_footer   = '<a href="'.$pwg_conf['this_url'].'" title="Main menu"><img src="'.$pwg_conf['icon_dir'].'up.png" /></a>'."\n";
      $_SESSION['scan_step'] = 'exit';
      //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_init() failure <<<<<'."\n");
      fwrite($fp, session_id()); // Writing session_id to trace lock
      $_SESSION['scan_step'] = 'init';
  // Verify and backup parameter action. This backup will be removed during step 'exit'
  if (isset($_REQUEST['action']))
    if (in_array($_REQUEST['action'], $pwg_conf['scan_action']))
      if (isset($_SESSION['scan_action']))
        if ($_SESSION['scan_action'] != $_REQUEST['action'])
          // Fatal error
          $g_message  = '        <code class="failure">Failure -</code> Parameter <code>action</code> differs between url and session';
          $g_message .= "\n";
          $g_footer   = '<a href="'.$pwg_conf['this_url'].'" title="Main menu"><img src="'.$pwg_conf['icon_dir'].'up.png" /></a>'."\n";
          $_SESSION['scan_step'] = 'exit';
          //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_init() failure <<<<<'."\n");
        $_SESSION['scan_action'] = $_REQUEST['action'];
      // Fatal error
      $g_message  = '        <code class="failure">Failure -</code> Problem with <code>action</code> parameter';
      $g_message .= ' <img src="'.$pwg_conf['icon_dir'].'add_tag.png" title="empty, '.implode(', ', $pwg_conf['scan_action']).'" />';
      $g_message .= "\n";
      $g_footer   = '<a href="'.$pwg_conf['this_url'].'" title="Main menu"><img src="'.$pwg_conf['icon_dir'].'up.png" /></a>'."\n";
      $_SESSION['scan_step'] = 'exit';
      //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_init() failure <<<<<'."\n");
    // Here we are on welcome page
    $g_message  = '        <ul>'."\n";
    $g_message .= '          <li><a href="'.$pwg_conf['this_url'].'?action=test" title="Display/Compare script version">Test</a></li>'."\n";
    $g_message .= '          <li><a href="'.$pwg_conf['this_url'].'?action=clean" title="Delete listing.xml if exists">Clean</a></li>'."\n";
    $g_message .= '          <li><a href="'.$pwg_conf['this_url'].'?action=generate" title="Scan all images from this directory and write informations in listing.xml">Listing</a></li>'."\n";
    $g_message .= '        </ul>'."\n";
    $g_footer   = '<a href="'.$conf['gallery'].'/admin.php?page=site_manager" title="Main gallery :: site manager">';
    $g_footer  .= '<img src="'.$pwg_conf['icon_dir'].'home.png" /></a>'."\n";
    $_SESSION['scan_step'] = 'exit';
    $_SESSION['scan_action'] = '';
  // Actions to do at the init of generate
  if ($_SESSION['scan_action'] == 'generate')
    // Open XML file
    $mode = ($_SESSION['scan_step'] == 'init') ? 'w' : 'a'; // Erase old listing.xml at the beginning of generation (mode w)
    $g_listing = @fopen('listing.xml', $mode);
    if ($g_listing === false)
      $g_header   = $_SESSION['scan_action'];
      $g_message  = '        <code class="failure">Failure -</code> Can not write file <code>listing.xml</code>';
      $g_message .= "\n";
      $g_footer   = '<a href="'.$pwg_conf['this_url'].'" title="Main menu"><img src="'.$pwg_conf['icon_dir'].'up.png" /></a>'."\n";
      $_SESSION['scan_step'] = 'exit';
      //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_init() failure <<<<<'."\n");
    // Check graphical capabilities
    $init_message = pwg_check_graphics();
  // Initializing session counters. This counters will be completely unset during step 'exit'
  if ($_SESSION['scan_step'] == 'init')
    $_SESSION['scan_list_file'] = array();
    $_SESSION['scan_list_fold'] = array();
    $_SESSION['scan_cnt_file'] = 0;
    $_SESSION['scan_cnt_fold'] = 0;
    $_SESSION['scan_time'] = $start_time;
    $_SESSION['scan_step'] = 'start';
    $_SESSION['scan_logs'] = $init_message;
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_init() success <<<<<'."\n");

 * This function :
 * -> Close listing.xml if action is 'generate'
 * -> Unlock the script
 * -> Erase session variables
 * @return nothing
function pwg_exit()
  //~ pwg_log('>>>>> pwg_exit() >>>>>'."\n");
  global $g_listing;
  // Close XML file
  if ($_SESSION['scan_action'] == 'generate' and $g_listing != false)
  // Unlock script
  // Erase session counters
  $local_action = $_SESSION['scan_action'];
  // Call specific action post process
  if (is_callable('pwg_'.$local_action.'_exit'))
  //~ pwg_log('<<<<< pwg_exit() <<<<<'."\n");

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                                Script                                 |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

$start_time = pwg_get_moment();

// Initializing message for web page
$g_refresh = '';
$g_header  = '';
$g_message = '';
$g_footer  = '';
$g_listing = '';


  if (is_callable('pwg_'.$_SESSION['scan_action'].'_'.$_SESSION['scan_step']))
    call_user_func('pwg_'.$_SESSION['scan_action'].'_'.$_SESSION['scan_step']); // Run the step : start, list, scan, stop are available
    $g_header   = $_SESSION['scan_action'];
    $g_message  = '        <code class="failure">Failure -</code> INTERNAL STEP ERROR : <code>pwg_'.$_SESSION['scan_action'].'_'.$_SESSION['scan_step'].'()</code> undefined';
    $g_message .= "\n";
    $g_footer   = '<a href="'.$pwg_conf['this_url'].'" title="Main menu"><img src="'.$pwg_conf['icon_dir'].'up.png" /></a>'."\n";
    $_SESSION['scan_step'] = 'exit';

if ($_SESSION['scan_step'] == 'exit')

  <?php echo $g_refresh; ?>
  <title>Manage remote gallery</title>
    <style type="text/css">
      code {font-weight: bold}
      img {border-style: none; vertical-align: middle}
      ul {list-style-image: url(<?php echo $pwg_conf['icon_dir']; ?>add_tag.png)}
      .success {color: green}
      .warning {color: orange}
      .failure {color: red}
      .header {text-align: center; font-variant: small-caps; font-weight: bold;}
      .p {color: #F93;}
      .w {color: #ccc;}
      .g {color: #69C;}
      .pwg {text-decoration: none; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-bottom-width: 1px;}
      .content {width: 75%; position: absolute; top: 10%; left: 12%;}
      .footer {text-align: right;}
      .pwg_block {float: left;}
    <div class="content">
      <fieldset class="header">
        <span class="p">Pi</span>
        <span class="w">wi</span>
        <span class="g">go</span>
        &nbsp;remote site<? echo $g_header; ?>
<?php echo $g_message; ?>
      <fieldset class="footer">
        <div class="pwg_block">
          Powered by <a href="http://piwigo.org" class="pwg">Piwigo</a>
        <?php echo $g_footer; ?>

Et voila le listing généré sur la galerie distante

<informations generation_date="2010-07-02" phpwg_version="2.1.1" metadata="date_creation" url="http://c.brodhag.free.fr/piwigo/galleries/">
<dir0 name="12.06.2010Corse">
    <element file="20100627000318-d93ebecc.jpg"

Je me tiendrais à site principal et distant pour la prochaine fois^^

Dernière modification par thomorph (2010-07-02 10:10:27)

Hors ligne

#23 2010-07-02 10:56:16

Former Piwigo Team
Montpellier (FR)

Re: [Résolu] Ajout de catégories d'une galerie dans une autre.

Est-ce que ton site principal est en 2.1.1 ou en 2.1.2 ???

J'ai demandé le Copié/collé du contenu de create_listing_file_local.inc.php
pas celui de create_listing_file.php (celui-ci ne doit pas être modifié !!!)

J'attends donc le Copié/collé du contenu de


Vincent -« Plus vidéaste averti que photographe amateur... »
La galerie - Le blog   

Piwigo est une application libre de gestion de photos en ligne.

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#24 2010-07-02 11:19:47


Re: [Résolu] Ajout de catégories d'une galerie dans une autre.

Les deux galeries sont en 2.1.1.
Désolé j'avais mal lu.


// this file is provided as an example.
// Move it to "create_listing_file.php"
// directory if you want to modify default configuration.

// URL of main gallery
// Example : http://www.my.domain/my/directory
$conf['gallery'] = 'http://demo.piwigo.net/';

$conf['file_ext'] = array_merge($conf['file_ext'], array('flv', 'FLV'));

$conf['force_refresh_method'] =  true;


Hors ligne

#25 2010-07-02 12:30:37

Former Piwigo Team
Montpellier (FR)

Re: [Résolu] Ajout de catégories d'une galerie dans une autre.

thomorph a écrit:

// URL of main gallery
// Example : http://www.my.domain/my/directory
$conf['gallery'] = 'http://demo.piwigo.net/';

Donc déjà $conf['gallery'] est à corriger.

Mais tu vas ajouter peut-être quelques options (au choix):

$conf['version'] = '2.1.1'; # Il ne faut pas le préciser car c'est le create_listing_file (clf) qui doit le fournir...
// sauf que si je passe ma galerie principale en 2.1.2 le clf n'a peut-être pas besoin d'être modifié
// il aura besoin d'être modifié en 2.2.x (car le modèle de données aura changé).
// Il me suffit donc en général de modifier $conf['version'] dans le clf_local

$conf['prefix_thumbnail'] = 'TN-';

$conf['file_ext'] = array_merge($conf['file_ext'], array('flv', 'FLV'));
// permet d'ajouter des extensions à prendre en charge (videos, pdf, etc...).

$conf['use_exif'] = true;
$conf['use_exif_mapping'] = array(
  'date_creation' => 'DateTimeOriginal'
$conf['use_iptc'] = false;
$conf['use_iptc_mapping'] = array(
  'keywords'        => '2#025',
  'date_creation'   => '2#055',
  'author'          => '2#122',
  'name'            => '2#005',
  'comment'         => '2#120');
// Les mêmes que sur la galerie en théorie

$conf['protect'] = false;
// Ajouter des index.htm dans les répertoires du site distant pour bloquer les curieux

$conf['protect_warnings'] = true;
// Voir les messages d'erreur

$conf['thumbnail'] = false;
// générer les miniatures (l'extension GD ou GD 2 de PHP doit être activée sur le site distant)

$conf['thumbnail_method'] = 'ratio';
// Méthode de génération :
// - fixed (width et height obligatoire);
// - width (width obligatoire);
// - height (height obligatoire);
// - ratio (ratio obligatoire)
// - exif (tous les paramètres sont facultatifs)

$conf['thumbnail_height'] = 128; # > 0
$conf['thumbnail_width'] = 128; # > 0
$conf['thumbnail_ratio'] = 0.2; # par rapport à l'image en taille web

$conf['thumbnail_format'] = 'jpeg'; # format de la miniature jpeg, png or gif

et les plus méconnus des paramètres:
// ****** Directory mapping ****** //
// directories names
$conf['thumbs'] = 'thumbnail'; // nom du répertoire de miniatures
$conf['high'] = 'pwg_high'; // nom du répertoire de la HD
$conf['represent'] = 'pwg_representative'; // nom du répertoire de representatives
// (90% des utilisateurs ne savent pas à quoi ça sert mais c'est modifiable)

Ton pb est surtout dans $conf['gallery'] = 'http://demo.piwigo.net/';
qui est à corriger.

Vincent -« Plus vidéaste averti que photographe amateur... »
La galerie - Le blog   

Piwigo est une application libre de gestion de photos en ligne.

Hors ligne

#26 2010-07-02 12:35:40


Re: [Résolu] Ajout de catégories d'une galerie dans une autre.

je pars pendant une semaine, je vous tiens au courant quandf je rentre
Merci encore

Hors ligne

#27 2010-07-13 11:24:34


Re: [Résolu] Ajout de catégories d'une galerie dans une autre.

De retour jusqu'a samedi alors je vais essayer de règler mon problème avant le départ car ça traine^^

Petit PS avant ma question. J'ai vu ton message de départ Vdigital et je te souhaite bien d'autres plaisir après Piwigo; en te remerciant encore pour les conseils que tu m'apportes, des solutions au problèmes que tu résous. Tu a permis a beaucoup de forumeur d'évoluer dans Piwigo Merci

Sinon pour mon problème quand il veut l'adresse de la galerie c'est /Piwigo ou carrément le chemin qui mène a la galerie a /corse par exemple

Hors ligne

#28 2010-07-13 11:42:14

Équipe Piwigo
22 France

Re: [Résolu] Ajout de catégories d'une galerie dans une autre.


Pour avoir déjà posté sur ce fil, je peux reprendre le support si tu le souhaites.

Où en est tu exactement sur le site distant et sur le site principal.

« Entre Ce que je pense, Ce que je veux dire, Ce que je crois dire, Ce que je dis, Ce que vous avez envie d'entendre, Ce que vous entendez, Ce que vous comprenez... il y a dix possibilités qu'on ait des difficultés à communiquer. Mais essayons quand même... »
[ Bernard Werber ]

Hors ligne

#29 2010-07-13 11:53:58


Re: [Résolu] Ajout de catégories d'une galerie dans une autre.

Bin pour l'instant j'en suis a savoir quoi modifier dans le fichier d'ou ma question si je doit mettre l'url ..../piwigo ou ..../piwigo/galleries/Corse du site distant

Hors ligne

#30 2010-07-13 12:01:13

Équipe Piwigo
22 France

Re: [Résolu] Ajout de catégories d'une galerie dans une autre.

Si j'ai bien raccroché les wagons.

Tu as uns site distant chez free à l'adresse http://monsite.free.fr/magalerie ou tu as déposé le fichier create_listing_file.php dans le repertoire magalerie et tu veux renseigner le parametre $conf['gallery'] dans le fichier create_listing_file_local.inc.php.

ce paramètre doit être le chemin complet vers ton site principal.

Si Piwigo est à la racine de ce site principal tu mets http://monsite
Si Piwigo est dans un répertoire de ce site principal tu mets http://monsite/monrepertoire

« Entre Ce que je pense, Ce que je veux dire, Ce que je crois dire, Ce que je dis, Ce que vous avez envie d'entendre, Ce que vous entendez, Ce que vous comprenez... il y a dix possibilités qu'on ait des difficultés à communiquer. Mais essayons quand même... »
[ Bernard Werber ]

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  •  » [Résolu] Ajout de catégories d'une galerie dans une autre.

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