•  » Utilisation
  •  » Probleme suiet a un changement dan un dossier !!

#1 2006-06-05 21:27:28


Probleme suiet a un changement dan un dossier !!

Bonjour, après avoir fais un rajout d'extension (doc et xls) dans le dossier


Je ne peux plus me connecter sur mon site .

Si quelqu'un a une idée ...

Je précise que j'ai écrasé le fichier "include", par un nouveau téléchargé sur la partie téléchargement ...

Si vous aviez un moment a m'accorder ça serais super !


Mike !!

Version 1.5.2

Dernière modification par mike038 (2006-06-05 21:30:00)

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#2 2006-06-05 22:22:42

Former Piwigo Team
Montpellier (FR)

Re: Probleme suiet a un changement dan un dossier !!

Ne faire aucune modif dans /include/config_default.inc.php

Cf. Configuration

Une fois compris ce qu'il faut faire, et la différence entre local et default.
Tu restaureras la version par défaut  /include/config_default.inc.php.
Tu constitueras ta version personnelle de /include/config_local.inc.php.
Et au besoin, tu nous en colleras le contenu dans un post.
Pour qu'on te trouve ton erreur...


Vincent -« Plus vidéaste averti que photographe amateur... »
La galerie - Le blog   

Piwigo est une application libre de gestion de photos en ligne.

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#3 2006-06-06 05:26:05


Re: Probleme suiet a un changement dan un dossier !!

Donc, reprenons j'ai bien compris que /include/config_default.inc.php n'est pas a toucher : OK

Donc je viens de creer le fichier /include/config_local.inc.php dans lequel j'ai entré ceci :

// my personnal configuration

$conf['comment_give_happiness'] = true;

La je viens de surpasser mes capacités informatique pfiouuu !!...

Par contre la où je bloque c'est pour

VDIGITAL a écrit:

Tu restaureras la version par défaut  /include/config_default.inc.php.
Tu constitueras ta version personnelle de /include/config_local.inc.php.
Et au besoin, tu nous en colleras le contenu dans un post.
Pour qu'on te trouve ton erreur...

Comment restaurer la version par defaut et commen ensuite crée ma version personnelle de /include/config_local.inc.php???

Voilà, j'espère avoir été compréhensible ...

Merci grandement VDIGITAL pour ton aide ..


Voilà actuellement (après avoir fait ceci) ce que j'ai quand j'esssaie d'aller sur mon site ::

// my personnal configuration

$conf['comment_give_happiness'] = true;

  FROM phpwebgallery_upgrade
[mysql error 1146] Table 'georges_michael.phpwebgallery_upgrade' doesn't exist

Dernière modification par mike038 (2006-06-06 05:30:39)

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#4 2006-06-06 08:52:26

Former Piwigo Team
Montpellier (FR)

Re: Probleme suiet a un changement dan un dossier !!

Pourquoi as-tu intégré l'exemple "bidon" du Wiki ???
Tu t'es arrêté en route dans la lecture de Cf. Configuration ?

Je croyais que tu voulais ajouter des extensions et donc mettre quelque chose comme ceci:

// file_ext : extensions des fichiers autorisés, sensible à la casse
$conf['file_ext'] = array('jpg','JPG','png','PNG','gif','GIF','mpg','zip',


Restaurer la version d'origine de /include/config_default.inc.php
est dans le fichier de distribution de la 1.5.2
Après décompression du fichier de distribution, il suffit de retransférer par FTP uniquement


Vincent -« Plus vidéaste averti que photographe amateur... »
La galerie - Le blog   

Piwigo est une application libre de gestion de photos en ligne.

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#5 2006-06-06 17:23:21


Re: Probleme suiet a un changement dan un dossier !!

Désolé pour mon incomprehension !

donc si j'ai bien compris VDIGITAL je copie le contenu de /include/config_default.inc.php et je le met dans mon

fichier nommé /include/config_local.inc.php(c'est uniquement dans celui ci que je ferais des modifs.)

Par contre je viens de faire la manip et quand je me connecte sur mon site j'ai le contenu de ce fichier affiché a l'écran...

Que faire ?

Hors ligne

#6 2006-06-06 19:08:51

Former Piwigo Team
Montpellier (FR)

Re: Probleme suiet a un changement dan un dossier !!

Seuls les variables $conf à modifier ne devraient figurer dans le config_local.inc.php

Pour le config_default.inc.php tu devrais revenir à la version initiale (celle qui est distribuée). 8-)

Quant à ton affichage... Je ne sais pas ce que tu fabriques mais cela ne devrait pas se produire. Dsl. 8-(

Vincent -« Plus vidéaste averti que photographe amateur... »
La galerie - Le blog   

Piwigo est une application libre de gestion de photos en ligne.

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#7 2006-06-06 20:56:15


Re: Probleme suiet a un changement dan un dossier !!

C'est ce que j'ai fais pour config_default.inc.php, je l'ai mis tel que je l'ai telechargé !

ça pas de soucis !

Pour ce qui est de config_local.inc.php, don c je laisse a l'interieur seulement ce que je veux modifier !

Pour ce qui est de l'affichage je fais quoi alors ???

Parce que la je suis vraiment paumé !

Si tu veux aller voir


Mon site

Merci d'avance !

Hors ligne

#8 2006-06-06 22:38:11

Former Piwigo Team
Montpellier (FR)

Re: Probleme suiet a un changement dan un dossier !!

On est sans aucun doute plus d'un à l'avoir vu ton site.

Colle dans le post le contenu de ton config_local.inc.php

Vincent -« Plus vidéaste averti que photographe amateur... »
La galerie - Le blog   

Piwigo est une application libre de gestion de photos en ligne.

Hors ligne

#9 2006-06-07 07:10:05


Re: Probleme suiet a un changement dan un dossier !!

ok ....

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<?php // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PhpWebGallery - a PHP based picture gallery |
// | Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Pierrick LE GALL - pierrick@phpwebgallery.net |
// | Copyright (C) 2003-2005 PhpWebGallery Team - http://phpwebgallery.net |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | branch : BSF (Best So Far)
// | file : $RCSfile$
// | last update : $Date: 2005-11-08 22:23:20 +0100 (mar, 08 nov 2005) $
// | last modifier : $Author: plg $
// | revision : $Revision: 928 $
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
// | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
// | the Free Software Foundation |
// | |
// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
// | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
// | General Public License for more details. |
// | |
// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
// | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software |
// | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, |
// | USA. |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

* configuration page
* Set configuration parameters that are not in the table config. In the
* application, configuration parameters are considered in the same way
* coming from config table or config_default.inc.php.
* It is recommended to let config_default.inc.php as provided and to
* overwrite configuration in your local configuration file
* config_local.inc.php. See tools/config_local.inc.php as an example.
* Why having some parameters in config table and others in
* config_*.inc.php? Modifying config_*.inc.php is a "hard" task for low
* skilled users, they need a GUI for this : admin/configuration. But only
* parameters that might be modified by low skilled users are in config
* table, other parameters are in config_*.inc.php

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | misc |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

// order_by : how to change the order of display for images in a category ?
// There are several fields that can order the display :
// - date_available : the date of the adding to the gallery
// - file : the name of the file
// - id : element identifier
// - date_creation : date of element creation
// Once you've chosen which field(s) to use for ordering, you must chose the
// ascending or descending order for each field. examples :
// 1. $conf['order_by'] = " order by date_available desc, file asc";
// will order pictures by date_available descending & by filename ascending
// 2. $conf['order_by'] = " order by file asc";
// will only order pictures by file ascending without taking into account
// the date_available
$conf['order_by'] = ' ORDER BY date_available DESC, file ASC, id ASC';

// slideshow_period : waiting time in seconds before loading a new page
// during automated slideshow
$conf['slideshow_period'] = 4;

// file_ext : file extensions (case sensitive) authorized
$conf['file_ext'] = array('jpg','JPG','png','PNG','gif','GIF','mpg','zip',

// picture_ext : file extensions for picture file, must be a subset of
// file_ext
$conf['picture_ext'] = array('jpg','JPG','png','PNG','gif','GIF');

// top_number : number of element to display for "best rated" and "most
// visited" categories
$conf['top_number'] = 15;

// anti-flood_time : number of seconds between 2 comments : 0 to disable
$conf['anti-flood_time'] = 60;

// calendar_datefield : date field of table "images" used for calendar
// catgory
$conf['calendar_datefield'] = 'date_creation';

// rate : enable feature for rating elements
$conf['rate'] = true;

// newcat_default_commentable : at creation, must a category be commentable
// or not ?
$conf['newcat_default_commentable'] = 'true';

// newcat_default_uploadable : at creation, must a category be uploadable or
// not ?
$conf['newcat_default_uploadable'] = 'false';

// newcat_default_visible : at creation, must a category be visible or not ?
// Warning : if the parent category is invisible, the category is
// automatically create invisible. (invisible = locked)
$conf['newcat_default_visible'] = 'true';

// newcat_default_status : at creation, must a category be public or private
// ? Warning : if the parent category is private, the category is
// automatically create private.
$conf['newcat_default_status'] = 'public';

// level_separator : character string used for separating a category level
// to the sub level. Suggestions : ' / ', ' &raquo; ', ' &rarr; ', ' - ',
// ' &gt;'
$conf['level_separator'] = ' / ';

// paginate_pages_around : on paginate navigation bar, how many pages
// display before and after the current page ?
$conf['paginate_pages_around'] = 2;

// tn_width : default width for thumbnails creation
$conf['tn_width'] = 128;

// tn_height : default height for thumbnails creation
$conf['tn_height'] = 96;

// show_version : shall the version of PhpWebGallery be displayed at the
// bottom of each page ?
$conf['show_version'] = false;

// links : list of external links to add in the menu. An example is the best
// than a long explanation :
// $conf['links'] = array(
// 'http://phpwebgallery.net' => 'PWG website',
// 'http://forum.phpwebgallery.net' => 'PWG forum',
// 'http://phpwebgallery.net/doc' => 'PWG wiki'
// );
// If the array is empty, the "Links" box won't be displayed on the main
// page.
$conf['links'] = array();

// show_thumbnail_caption : on thumbnails page, show thumbnail captions ?
$conf['show_thumbnail_caption'] = true;

// show_picture_name_on_title : on picture presentation page, show picture
// name ?
$conf['show_picture_name_on_title'] = true;

// allow_random_representative : do you wish PhpWebGallery to search among
// categories elements a new representative at each reload ?
// If false, an element is randomly or manually chosen to represent its
// category and remains the representative as long as an admin does not
// change it.
// Warning : setting this parameter to true is CPU consuming. Each time you
// change the value of this parameter from false to true, an administrator
// must update categories informations in screen [Admin > General >
// Maintenance].
$conf['allow_random_representative'] = false;

// allow_html_descriptions : authorize administrators to use HTML in
// category and element description.
$conf['allow_html_descriptions'] = true;

// galery_url : URL given in RSS feed
$conf['gallery_url'] = 'http://demo.phpwebgallery.net';

// prefix_thumbnail : string before filename. Thumbnail's prefix must only
// contain characters among : a to z (case insensitive), "-" or "_".
$conf['prefix_thumbnail'] = 'TN-';

// users_page: how many users to display in screen
// Administration>Identification>Users?
$conf['users_page'] = 20;

// mail_options: only set it true if you have a send mail warning with
// "options" parameter missing on mail() function execution.
$conf['mail_options'] = false;

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | metadata |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

// show_iptc: Show IPTC metadata on picture.php if asked by user
$conf['show_iptc'] = false;

// show_iptc_mapping : is used for showing IPTC metadata on picture.php
// page. For each key of the array, you need to have the same key in the
// $lang array. For example, if my first key is 'iptc_keywords' (associated
// to '2#025') then you need to have $lang['iptc_keywords'] set in
// language/$user['language']/common.lang.php. If you don't have the lang
// var set, the key will be simply displayed
// To know how to associated iptc_field with their meaning, use
// tools/metadata.php
$conf['show_iptc_mapping'] = array(
'iptc_keywords' => '2#025',
'iptc_caption_writer' => '2#122',
'iptc_byline_title' => '2#085',
'iptc_caption' => '2#120'

// use_iptc: Use IPTC data during database synchronization with files
// metadata
$conf['use_iptc'] = false;

// use_iptc_mapping : in which IPTC fields will PhpWebGallery find image
// information ? This setting is used during metadata synchronisation. It
// associates a phpwebgallery_images column name to a IPTC key
$conf['use_iptc_mapping'] = array(
'keywords' => '2#025',
'date_creation' => '2#055',
'author' => '2#122',
'name' => '2#005',
'comment' => '2#120'

// show_exif: Show EXIF metadata on picture.php (table or line presentation
// avalaible)
$conf['show_exif'] = true;

// show_exif_fields : in EXIF fields, you can choose to display fields in
// sub-arrays, for example ['COMPUTED']['ApertureFNumber']. for this, add
// 'COMPUTED;ApertureFNumber' in $conf['show_exif_fields']
// The key displayed in picture.php will be $lang['exif_field_Make'] for
// example and if it exists. For compound fields, only take into account the
// last part : for key 'COMPUTED;ApertureFNumber', you need
// $lang['exif_field_ApertureFNumber']
// for PHP version newer than 4.1.2 :
// $conf['show_exif_fields'] = array('CameraMake','CameraModel','DateTime');
$conf['show_exif_fields'] = array(

// use_exif: Use EXIF data during database synchronization with files
// metadata
$conf['use_exif'] = false;

// use_exif_mapping: same behaviour as use_iptc_mapping
$conf['use_exif_mapping'] = array(
'date_creation' => 'DateTimeOriginal'

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | sessions |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

// authorize_remembering : permits user to stay logged for a long time. It
// creates a cookie on client side.
$conf['authorize_remembering'] = true;

// remember_me_length : time of validity for "remember me" cookies, in
// seconds.
$conf['remember_me_length'] = 31536000;

// session_length : time of validity for normal session, in seconds.
$conf['session_length'] = 3600;

// session_id_size : a session identifier is compound of alphanumeric
// characters and is case sensitive. Each character is among 62
// possibilities. The number of possible sessions is
// 62^$conf['session_id_size'].
// 62^5 = 916,132,832
// 62^10 = 839,299,365,868,340,224
$conf['session_id_size'] = 10;

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | debug |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

// show_queries : for debug purpose, show queries and execution times
$conf['show_queries'] = false;

// show_gt : display generation time at the bottom of each page
$conf['show_gt'] = false;

// debug_l10n : display a warning message each time an unset language key is
// accessed
$conf['debug_l10n'] = false;

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | authentication |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

// apache_authentication : use Apache authentication as reference instead of
// users table ?
$conf['apache_authentication'] = false;

// users_table: which table is the reference for users? Can be a different
// table than PhpWebGallery table
// If you decide to use another table than the default one, you need to
// prepare your database by deleting some datas :
// delete from phpwebgallery_user_access;
// delete from phpwebgallery_user_cache;
// delete from phpwebgallery_user_feed;
// delete from phpwebgallery_user_group;
// delete from phpwebgallery_user_infos;
// delete from phpwebgallery_sessions;
// delete from phpwebgallery_rate;
// update phpwebgallery_images set average_rate = NULL;
// delete from phpwebgallery_caddie;
// delete from phpwebgallery_favorites;
// All informations contained in these tables and column are related to
// phpwebgallery_users table.
$conf['users_table'] = $prefixeTable.'users';

// user_fields : mapping between generic field names and table specific
// field names. For example, in PWG, the mail address is names
// "mail_address" and in punbb, it's called "email".
$conf['user_fields'] = array(
'id' => 'id',
'username' => 'username',
'password' => 'password',
'email' => 'mail_address'

// pass_convert : function to crypt or hash the clear user password to store
// it in the database
$conf['pass_convert'] = create_function('$s', 'return md5($s);');

// guest_id : id of the anonymous user
$conf['guest_id'] = 2;

// webmaster_id : webmaster'id.
$conf['webmaster_id'] = 1;

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | upload |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

// upload_maxfilesize: maximum filesize for the uploaded pictures. In
// kilobytes.
$conf['upload_maxfilesize'] = 200;

// upload_maxheight: maximum height authorized for the uploaded images. In
// pixels.
$conf['upload_maxheight'] = 800;

// upload_maxwidth: maximum width authorized for the uploaded images. In
// pixels.
$conf['upload_maxwidth'] = 800;

// upload_maxheight_thumbnail: maximum height authorized for the uploaded
// thumbnails
$conf['upload_maxheight_thumbnail'] = 100;

// upload_maxwidth_thumbnail: maximum width authorized for the uploaded
// thumbnails
$conf['upload_maxwidth_thumbnail'] = 150;

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | history |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

// nb_logs_page : how many logs to display on a page
$conf['nb_logs_page'] = 300;

// history_admin : history admin visits ?
$conf['history_admin'] = false;


Hors ligne

#10 2006-06-07 07:48:44

Former Piwigo Team
Montpellier (FR)

Re: Probleme suiet a un changement dan un dossier !!

Ceci au début:

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

et ceci à la fin:


C'est en trop...


Vincent -« Plus vidéaste averti que photographe amateur... »
La galerie - Le blog   

Piwigo est une application libre de gestion de photos en ligne.

Hors ligne

#11 2006-06-07 07:52:06


Re: Probleme suiet a un changement dan un dossier !!

ok j'enleve ça de suite !

Encore merci :!!

Hors ligne

#12 2006-06-07 08:17:05


Re: Probleme suiet a un changement dan un dossier !!

Si j'enlève ce que tu dis on mle repond qu'il manque la balise <head>  ???

Comprend plus rien moi pffiiouuu

Tu sais pourquoi ??

Merci !

Hors ligne

#13 2006-06-07 09:22:01

Former Piwigo Team
Montpellier (FR)

Re: Probleme suiet a un changement dan un dossier !!

Qui te répond ça, un logiciel qui ne sait pas éditer du php sans doute...

Change de logiciel d'édition...
Cf. Rajout de code mais je ne trouves pas où !!

Vincent -« Plus vidéaste averti que photographe amateur... »
La galerie - Le blog   

Piwigo est une application libre de gestion de photos en ligne.

Hors ligne

#14 2006-06-08 05:12:44


Re: Probleme suiet a un changement dan un dossier !!

Après avoir repris tout ça avec "CONTEXT", j'ai repassé le fichier config_local.inc.php, via FTP ...

Cette fois j'obtiens ce message d'erreur :

INSERT INTO phpwebgallery_user_cache
[mysql error 1054] Unknown column 'nb_total_images' in 'field list'

Je te redonne le contenu de mon fichier config_local.inc.php si jamais tu vois un truc qui cloche ....

Encore merci VDIGITAL :


// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PhpWebGallery - a PHP based picture gallery                           |
// | Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Pierrick LE GALL - pierrick@phpwebgallery.net |
// | Copyright (C) 2003-2005 PhpWebGallery Team - http://phpwebgallery.net |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | branch        : BSF (Best So Far)
// | file          : $RCSfile$
// | last update   : $Date: 2005-11-08 22:23:20 +0100 (mar, 08 nov 2005) $
// | last modifier : $Author: plg $
// | revision      : $Revision: 928 $
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  |
// | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  |
// | the Free Software Foundation                                          |
// |                                                                       |
// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but   |
// | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            |
// | General Public License for more details.                              |
// |                                                                       |
// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     |
// | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software           |
// | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, |
// | USA.                                                                  |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

 *                           configuration page
 * Set configuration parameters that are not in the table config. In the
 * application, configuration parameters are considered in the same way
 * coming from config table or config_default.inc.php.
 * It is recommended to let config_default.inc.php as provided and to
 * overwrite configuration in your local configuration file
 * config_local.inc.php. See tools/config_local.inc.php as an example.
 * Why having some parameters in config table and others in
 * config_*.inc.php? Modifying config_*.inc.php is a "hard" task for low
 * skilled users, they need a GUI for this : admin/configuration. But only
 * parameters that might be modified by low skilled users are in config
 * table, other parameters are in config_*.inc.php

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                                 misc                                  |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

// order_by : how to change the order of display for images in a category ?
// There are several fields that can order the display :
//  - date_available : the date of the adding to the gallery
//  - file : the name of the file
//  - id : element identifier
//  - date_creation : date of element creation
// Once you've chosen which field(s) to use for ordering, you must chose the
// ascending or descending order for each field.  examples :
// 1. $conf['order_by'] = " order by date_available desc, file asc";
//    will order pictures by date_available descending & by filename ascending
// 2. $conf['order_by'] = " order by file asc";
//    will only order pictures by file ascending without taking into account
//    the date_available
$conf['order_by'] = ' ORDER BY date_available DESC, file ASC, id ASC';

// slideshow_period : waiting time in seconds before loading a new page
// during automated slideshow
$conf['slideshow_period'] = 4;

// file_ext : file extensions (case sensitive) authorized
$conf['file_ext'] = array('jpg','JPG','png','PNG','gif','GIF','mpg','zip',

// picture_ext : file extensions for picture file, must be a subset of
// file_ext
$conf['picture_ext'] = array('jpg','JPG','png','PNG','gif','GIF');

// top_number : number of element to display for "best rated" and "most
// visited" categories
$conf['top_number'] = 15;

// anti-flood_time : number of seconds between 2 comments : 0 to disable
$conf['anti-flood_time'] = 60;

// calendar_datefield : date field of table "images" used for calendar
// catgory
$conf['calendar_datefield'] = 'date_creation';

// rate : enable feature for rating elements
$conf['rate'] = true;

// newcat_default_commentable : at creation, must a category be commentable
// or not ?
$conf['newcat_default_commentable'] = 'true';

// newcat_default_uploadable : at creation, must a category be uploadable or
// not ?
$conf['newcat_default_uploadable'] = 'false';

// newcat_default_visible : at creation, must a category be visible or not ?
// Warning : if the parent category is invisible, the category is
// automatically create invisible. (invisible = locked)
$conf['newcat_default_visible'] = 'true';

// newcat_default_status : at creation, must a category be public or private
// ? Warning : if the parent category is private, the category is
// automatically create private.
$conf['newcat_default_status'] = 'public';

// level_separator : character string used for separating a category level
// to the sub level. Suggestions : ' / ', ' &raquo; ', ' &rarr; ', ' - ',
// ' &gt;'
$conf['level_separator'] = ' / ';

// paginate_pages_around : on paginate navigation bar, how many pages
// display before and after the current page ?
$conf['paginate_pages_around'] = 2;

// tn_width : default width for thumbnails creation
$conf['tn_width'] = 128;

// tn_height : default height for thumbnails creation
$conf['tn_height'] = 96;

// show_version : shall the version of PhpWebGallery be displayed at the
// bottom of each page ?
$conf['show_version'] = false;

// links : list of external links to add in the menu. An example is the best
// than a long explanation :
// $conf['links'] = array(
//   'http://phpwebgallery.net' => 'PWG website',
//   'http://forum.phpwebgallery.net' => 'PWG forum',
//   'http://phpwebgallery.net/doc' => 'PWG wiki'
//   );
// If the array is empty, the "Links" box won't be displayed on the main
// page.
$conf['links'] = array();

// show_thumbnail_caption : on thumbnails page, show thumbnail captions ?
$conf['show_thumbnail_caption'] = true;

// show_picture_name_on_title : on picture presentation page, show picture
// name ?
$conf['show_picture_name_on_title'] = true;

// allow_random_representative : do you wish PhpWebGallery to search among
// categories elements a new representative at each reload ?
// If false, an element is randomly or manually chosen to represent its
// category and remains the representative as long as an admin does not
// change it.
// Warning : setting this parameter to true is CPU consuming. Each time you
// change the value of this parameter from false to true, an administrator
// must update categories informations in screen [Admin > General >
// Maintenance].
$conf['allow_random_representative'] = false;

// allow_html_descriptions : authorize administrators to use HTML in
// category and element description.
$conf['allow_html_descriptions'] = true;

// galery_url : URL given in RSS feed
$conf['gallery_url'] = 'http://demo.phpwebgallery.net';

// prefix_thumbnail : string before filename. Thumbnail's prefix must only
// contain characters among : a to z (case insensitive), "-" or "_".
$conf['prefix_thumbnail'] = 'TN-';

// users_page: how many users to display in screen
// Administration>Identification>Users?
$conf['users_page'] = 20;

// mail_options: only set it true if you have a send mail warning with
// "options" parameter missing on mail() function execution.
$conf['mail_options'] = false;

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                               metadata                                |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

// show_iptc: Show IPTC metadata on picture.php if asked by user
$conf['show_iptc'] = false;

// show_iptc_mapping : is used for showing IPTC metadata on picture.php
// page. For each key of the array, you need to have the same key in the
// $lang array. For example, if my first key is 'iptc_keywords' (associated
// to '2#025') then you need to have $lang['iptc_keywords'] set in
// language/$user['language']/common.lang.php. If you don't have the lang
// var set, the key will be simply displayed
// To know how to associated iptc_field with their meaning, use
// tools/metadata.php
$conf['show_iptc_mapping'] = array(
  'iptc_keywords'        => '2#025',
  'iptc_caption_writer'  => '2#122',
  'iptc_byline_title'    => '2#085',
  'iptc_caption'         => '2#120'

// use_iptc: Use IPTC data during database synchronization with files
// metadata
$conf['use_iptc'] = false;

// use_iptc_mapping : in which IPTC fields will PhpWebGallery find image
// information ? This setting is used during metadata synchronisation. It
// associates a phpwebgallery_images column name to a IPTC key
$conf['use_iptc_mapping'] = array(
  'keywords'        => '2#025',
  'date_creation'   => '2#055',
  'author'          => '2#122',
  'name'            => '2#005',
  'comment'         => '2#120'

// show_exif: Show EXIF metadata on picture.php (table or line presentation
// avalaible)
$conf['show_exif'] = true;

// show_exif_fields : in EXIF fields, you can choose to display fields in
// sub-arrays, for example ['COMPUTED']['ApertureFNumber']. for this, add
// 'COMPUTED;ApertureFNumber' in $conf['show_exif_fields']
// The key displayed in picture.php will be $lang['exif_field_Make'] for
// example and if it exists. For compound fields, only take into account the
// last part : for key 'COMPUTED;ApertureFNumber', you need
// $lang['exif_field_ApertureFNumber']
// for PHP version newer than 4.1.2 :
// $conf['show_exif_fields'] = array('CameraMake','CameraModel','DateTime');
$conf['show_exif_fields'] = array(

// use_exif: Use EXIF data during database synchronization with files
// metadata
$conf['use_exif'] = false;

// use_exif_mapping: same behaviour as use_iptc_mapping
$conf['use_exif_mapping'] = array(
  'date_creation' => 'DateTimeOriginal'

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                               sessions                                |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

// authorize_remembering : permits user to stay logged for a long time. It
// creates a cookie on client side.
$conf['authorize_remembering'] = true;

// remember_me_length : time of validity for "remember me" cookies, in
// seconds.
$conf['remember_me_length'] = 31536000;

// session_length : time of validity for normal session, in seconds.
$conf['session_length'] = 3600;

// session_id_size : a session identifier is compound of alphanumeric
// characters and is case sensitive. Each character is among 62
// possibilities. The number of possible sessions is
// 62^$conf['session_id_size'].
// 62^5  =             916,132,832
// 62^10 = 839,299,365,868,340,224
$conf['session_id_size'] = 10;

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                                debug                                  |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

// show_queries : for debug purpose, show queries and execution times
$conf['show_queries'] = false;

// show_gt : display generation time at the bottom of each page
$conf['show_gt'] = false;

// debug_l10n : display a warning message each time an unset language key is
// accessed
$conf['debug_l10n'] = false;

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                            authentication                             |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

// apache_authentication : use Apache authentication as reference instead of
// users table ?
$conf['apache_authentication'] = false;

// users_table: which table is the reference for users? Can be a different
// table than PhpWebGallery table
// If you decide to use another table than the default one, you need to
// prepare your database by deleting some datas :
// delete from phpwebgallery_user_access;
// delete from phpwebgallery_user_cache;
// delete from phpwebgallery_user_feed;
// delete from phpwebgallery_user_group;
// delete from phpwebgallery_user_infos;
// delete from phpwebgallery_sessions;
// delete from phpwebgallery_rate;
// update phpwebgallery_images set average_rate = NULL;
// delete from phpwebgallery_caddie;
// delete from phpwebgallery_favorites;
// All informations contained in these tables and column are related to
// phpwebgallery_users table.
$conf['users_table'] = $prefixeTable.'users';

// user_fields : mapping between generic field names and table specific
// field names. For example, in PWG, the mail address is names
// "mail_address" and in punbb, it's called "email".
$conf['user_fields'] = array(
  'id' => 'id',
  'username' => 'username',
  'password' => 'password',
  'email' => 'mail_address'

// pass_convert : function to crypt or hash the clear user password to store
// it in the database
$conf['pass_convert'] = create_function('$s', 'return md5($s);');

// guest_id : id of the anonymous user
$conf['guest_id'] = 2;

// webmaster_id : webmaster'id.
$conf['webmaster_id'] = 1;

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                                upload                                 |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

// upload_maxfilesize: maximum filesize for the uploaded pictures. In
// kilobytes.
$conf['upload_maxfilesize'] = 200;

// upload_maxheight: maximum height authorized for the uploaded images. In
// pixels.
$conf['upload_maxheight'] = 800;

// upload_maxwidth: maximum width authorized for the uploaded images. In
// pixels.
$conf['upload_maxwidth'] = 800;

// upload_maxheight_thumbnail: maximum height authorized for the uploaded
// thumbnails
$conf['upload_maxheight_thumbnail'] = 100;

// upload_maxwidth_thumbnail: maximum width authorized for the uploaded
// thumbnails
$conf['upload_maxwidth_thumbnail'] = 150;

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                               history                                 |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

// nb_logs_page :  how many logs to display on a page
$conf['nb_logs_page'] = 300;

// history_admin : history admin visits  ?
$conf['history_admin'] = false;


Dernière modification par mike038 (2006-06-08 05:16:24)

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#15 2006-06-08 09:14:42

Former Piwigo Team
Montpellier (FR)

Re: Probleme suiet a un changement dan un dossier !!

La colonne nb_total_images appartenait à la table phpwebgallery_user_cache dans la release 1.4 de mémoire.

Elle n'appartient plus aux versions 1.5.x

Que doit-on doit en conclure d'après toi?

Vincent -« Plus vidéaste averti que photographe amateur... »
La galerie - Le blog   

Piwigo est une application libre de gestion de photos en ligne.

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