#1 2009-08-06 09:07:31

Équipe Piwigo
Quetigny (21) - France

Test piwigo.org automatic links

[Subversion] r123 will produce a link to changeset 123 in Subversion browser
[Forum, topic 123] grandes images dans une nouvelle fenetre ? will produce a link to topic 123 with its title
[Forum, post 123 by plg in topic 33] 1.0.2 will produce a link to post 123 with the related topic title and the poster username
[Bugtracker] ticket 123 will produce a link to bug 123 with its summary, current resolution ("real time" refresh)
[Bugtracker] ticket 123 will produce a link to feature 123 with its summary, current resolution ("real time" refresh)
[extension by Piwigo Team] Language Switch

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