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Résumé de la discussion (messages les plus récents en premier)

2024-08-20 19:20:33


pour parler anglais merci d'utiliser >

2024-08-20 18:07:53

Hello everyone,

I'm encountering an issue with the Tag Groups plugin on my Piwigo installation. When I try to use it, it shows "N/A" and I cannot get it to work properly. Here are the details of my setup:

Piwigo version: 15.0.0beta2
Tag Groups plugin version: 14.c
Hosting: SiteGround
I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin, and even manually downloading the latest version from the official site, but this hasn’t resolved the issue. The folder permissions seem to be correct, and I haven’t found any specific errors in the server logs.

Are there any additional steps I should take to get this plugin to work with Piwigo 15.0.0beta2? Could this be a compatibility issue with the beta version?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Best regards,

Version de Piwigo: 15.0.0beta2
Version de PHP:
Version de MySQL:
URL Piwigo:

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