Media Pump - A tool for preparing media files (images, videos) and uploading to a Piwigo server.
* Re-size images to a smaller size and upload the re-sized images to a selected
album on a Piwigo server.
* Convert video to MP4 and upload the MP4 videos to a selected album on a Piwigo server.
* Create / Edit albums.
* Easily add titles (captions) and tags to images and/or videos.
* Indicate an image or video to become the album highlight after it has been uploaded.
* After loading a mixed number of images and/or videos into Media Pump, mark those to be uploaded into the selected album. Remaining unmarked images and/or videos can be uploaded to different album.
* All images supported by Image Magick 'convert' can be re-sized.
* All video formats that can be converted to MP4 using ffmpeg can be converted.
* Images not having EXIF metadata containing orientation information can be manually rotated.
* Copy/Paste. In a file browser, navigate to folder containing images and/or videos, copy to system clipboard and paste into Media Pump.
* Image and video conversion commands in which Media Pump invokes are defined in a external XML file that can be tweaked to achieve desired results i.e. Image conversion size, video conversion size, watermarking, conversion quality.
* Download items from an album to a directory on the file system; supports recursion of all sub-albums.
Help Documentation:
* See README.html or in for more information regarding features.
Windows Installation:
1. Ensure Java Runtime Environment 1.7 or a later version has been installed. The 'java' executeable must reside in the system path. To verify, execute the following in a CMD shell which will display the version of Java installed. If an error occurs, then java is not in the system path.
java -version
2. Ensure Image Magick software suite is installed.
3. Extract to an empty directory i.e. 'C:media-pump'
4. Execute the script 'create-shortcut.bat' to create a Desktop Shortcut.
5. Execute the Desktop Shortcut 'Media Pump'. Or execute the following command in a CMD shell:
Linux Installation:
1. Ensure Java Runtime Environment 1.7 or later version has been installed.
2. Ensure Image Magick software suite is installed.
3. Extract to an empty directory i.e. '/opt/media-pump'
4. Execute the following commands in terminal:
chmod 755 /opt/media-pump/
chmod 755 /opt/media-pump/
5. Execute the Desktop Shortcut 'Media Pump'. Or execute the following command in a terminal:
Mac OS X Installation:
Instructions will be provided soon once I get a Mac OS VM setup to test.
- Java 1.7 and later
- Image Magick
Video: The following two requirements are needed to support converting/uploading video.
- FFMpeg installed on client.
- piwigo-videojs plugin installed on Piwigo server.
Sortie le Dimanche 15 Mai 2016
6 123
Compatible avec Piwigo 2.10, 2.9, 2.8, 2.7
8 years 8 months 3 langues disponibles+ 1* Added the ability to easily add tags to images and videos prior to uploading to server.
* Specify maximum width and height of image size under preferences or indicate to upload full size image rather that converting image to smaller size.
* French language support.
* Provide better information when an image or video fails to convert or upload; a "View Details" button will be displayed in the table to display conversion logs and errors.
* Provided more documentation information in a / README.html file.
* Other minor bug fixes.
Sortie le Samedi 16 Avril 2016
2 267