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2013-07-06 18:24:23

Thank you very much and blame to me ;)

2013-07-06 13:33:21


2013-07-06 13:32:04

Here is something interesting :

It uses a button instead of catching the "bottom reach event" but i think it is a good start

If you could give me some inputs / ideas about implementing this :)


2013-07-06 13:30:09


i dont exactly know how to name this, i'm looking for an infinite page with dynamic picture loading to replace the "web 1.0" paging

The idea is that at first load, the page displays only pictures visible in the screen : when you scroll down, it dynamically load new picture rows and display picture. You can continue to scroll until the end of the album

For example, this is what do picasa

Here would be the main keys :
- We preload on the page the total number of picture (and rows) that would be displayed if we get all pictures on the page
- When user scroll to the bottom, if we dont have displayed all rows, a ajax request is performed to get pictures and it adds a row with additional pictures

Any idea about this ?

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