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Résumé de la discussion (messages les plus récents en premier)

2010-03-28 00:16:58

Dans la documentation, tu trouveras un article expliquant comment réaliser un template-extension
et sur la base de header.tpl

Maintenant il ne faudra pas casser l'header proposé par Piwigo avec ton entête.
D'autant plus que cekui que tu propose contient pas mal d'incohérences.

Result: 14 erreurs / 0 avertissements

line 2 - Erreur: no document type declaration; implying "<!DOCTYPE HTML SYSTEM>"
line 10 column 6 - Erreur: required attribute "TYPE" not specified
line 28 column 29 - Erreur: required attribute "TYPE" not specified
line 69 column 59 - Erreur: there is no attribute "HEIGHT"
line 74 column 61 - Erreur: value of attribute "ALIGN" cannot be "TEXTTOP"; must be one of "TOP", "MIDDLE", "BOTTOM", "LEFT", "RIGHT"
line 78 column 64 - Erreur: value of attribute "ALIGN" cannot be "TEXTTOP"; must be one of "TOP", "MIDDLE", "BOTTOM", "LEFT", "RIGHT"
line 81 column 62 - Erreur: value of attribute "ALIGN" cannot be "TEXTTOP"; must be one of "TOP", "MIDDLE", "BOTTOM", "LEFT", "RIGHT"
line 84 column 59 - Erreur: value of attribute "ALIGN" cannot be "TEXTTOP"; must be one of "TOP", "MIDDLE", "BOTTOM", "LEFT", "RIGHT"
line 87 column 59 - Erreur: value of attribute "ALIGN" cannot be "TEXTTOP"; must be one of "TOP", "MIDDLE", "BOTTOM", "LEFT", "RIGHT"
line 90 column 63 - Erreur: value of attribute "ALIGN" cannot be "TEXTTOP"; must be one of "TOP", "MIDDLE", "BOTTOM", "LEFT", "RIGHT"
line 93 column 63 - Erreur: value of attribute "ALIGN" cannot be "TEXTTOP"; must be one of "TOP", "MIDDLE", "BOTTOM", "LEFT", "RIGHT"
line 96 column 58 - Erreur: value of attribute "ALIGN" cannot be "TEXTTOP"; must be one of "TOP", "MIDDLE", "BOTTOM", "LEFT", "RIGHT"
line 99 column 67 - Erreur: value of attribute "ALIGN" cannot be "TEXTTOP"; must be one of "TOP", "MIDDLE", "BOTTOM", "LEFT", "RIGHT"
line 102 column 60 - Erreur: value of attribute "ALIGN" cannot be "TEXTTOP"; must be one of "TOP", "MIDDLE", "BOTTOM", "LEFT", "RIGHT"

2010-03-27 23:52:17

puis-je solliciter votre aide
j'ai installer Piwigo sur notre site et je me casse la tete pour savoir comment mettre l'entete de notre site sur les pages
il est vrai que je suis nul en php
en fait l'entete est comme ceci:
Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(./language/index.php/iso.txt) is not within the allowed path(s): (/customers/ in /customers/  on line 460

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /customers/ in /customers/ on line 98

voici le lien

et je voudrais obtenir ceci a la place de ces ecritures

merci de votre collaboration

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